
Finance Department – Archive, 2005

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2005.

10582-F dt. 23.12.2005Telephone facilities of Officers
10510-F dt. 21.12.2005Granting exemption from provisions laid down in Rule 4.086 of WBTR
9924-F dt. 07.12.2005Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F dt. 02.05.1981
1050-F dt. 02.12.2005Regarding Defective Nomination of Death Gratuity
9189-F dt. 14.11.2005Procedure of forwarding the application of final payment
1387-SS dt. 09.11.2005Observation of Finance Deptt. in case of award of CAS
963-F dt. 07.11.2005Amendment reg. rule 100, Clause 5 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71
8527-F dt. 07.10.2005Fixation of remuneration of re-employed pensioners of the State Govt.
8428-F dt. 04.10.2005Demand No., Code No., HoA etc. to be mentioned in sanctioning
DT-1649 dt. 27.09.2005EOL not taking into accounting for 10/8, 20/16 and 25 yrs. of CAS
8305-F dt. 26.09.2005Appointment on contract service
7786-F dt. 06.09.2005Disbursement certificate after Final payment
7700-F dt. 01.09.2005Personal Claims of Govt. employees by open/ Account payee cheque
7134-F dt. 09.08.2005Transfer of GPF balance of Gr. ā€˜Dā€™ employee to A.G.ā€™s account
7019-F dt. 04.08.2005Non-inclusion in the Treasury Rules for the purpose of inclusion in WBFR
DT-1338 dt. 03.08.2005Leave salary to be sanctioned after serving admissibility report
6943-F dt. 02.08.2005Procedure of withdrawal of balance in the inoperative P.L. Account
597-F dt. 01.08.2005Gratuity and Commutation who retired compulsorily under DCRB Rules
2653-F dt. 19.07.2005Procedure of payment of EMI on H.B. Loan on transfer
2575-F dt. 06.07.2005House Building Loan Scheme with the State Bank of India
771-F dt. 29.06.2005Revised scale of pay of Driver of ROPA 1981
4982-F dt. 17.06.2005Promotion to higher post with retrospective effect
4840-F dt. 10.06.2005West Bengal Treasury Rules
858-PS dt. 08.06.2005Verification of Character and antecedents of Candidates Selected
4662-F dt. 01.06.2005Period of probation in the promotion post
4205-F dt. 12.05.2005Drawal of Advance in A.C. Bill
3990-F dt. 04.05.2005Change of Name and Surname
3876-F dt. 02.05.2005Policy for Procurement, Installation and Maintenance of IT products
788-F dt. 31.03.2005West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
528-FB dt. 01.03.2005Demand No. & Deptt. Code No.
717-F dt. 20.01.2005Recovery of dues of Cooperative Society
90-FB dt. 13.01.2005House Building Loan Scheme with the State Bank of India.
122-F dt. 05.01.2005Computation of admissible amount of advance

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