Finance, Casual Worker , IFMS , Salary đī¸ 722
Whether drawal of non recurring wages of workers engaged locally and temporarily on seasonal/ one time basis should be paid through HRMS.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 3641-F(Y) Dated, 28th Jun, 2019
Sub: Clarification regarding payment of Wages
Finance Department had earlier issued Memo No. 1348-F(Y) dated 06.03.2017 as per which wage bills for the following category of workers are to be generated mandatorily from HRMS w.e.f. 1st April, 2017:
a) Daily Rated wages
b) Monthly Consolidated Wages
c) Pay scale linked wages
d) Wages for Contractual employees
However, Finance Department had in recent time received numerous communications from different Administrative Departments for clarifying whether drawal of non recurring wages of workers engaged locally and temporarily on seasonal/ one time basis should be paid through HRMS. After due perusal, the Governor is pleased to clarify the following regarding drawal of wage Bills for all categories of wage earners engaged by Government offices:
A. Wage bills of workers engaged in Government Offices for administrative purposes, whose engagement is likely to continue irrespective of continuation of initial objective for which workers are engaged, should mandatorily be generated through HRMS under Detail Head “02-Wages”. The wages so paid may be Daily Rated wages, Monthly Consolidated wages, Pay scale linked wages, etc, as the case may be. Memo No. 1348-F(Y) Dated: 06.03.2017 should be strictly followed in processing and disbursement of such wage bills.
B. Wages paid to workers engaged locally on temporary/ seasonal/ one time basis, out of the need of the circumstances or for implementation of any project/ schemes or maintenance/ upgradation of any existing asset and will be discontinued after completion of particular job/project/ scheme, may be processed as follows:
1. In case of offices under Works/ Forest departments, if such work and engagement is related to some Project then the remuneration may be charged to the Project cost. Bills may be drawn in TR 70 under detailed head – “53”, “87”, “27”, “60” or “19” as the case may be. If such work and engagement is not related to any project, the remuneration of workers to be drawn as vouched bill in TR 26 under detailed head “19” or “50” as the case may be.
2. In case of non Works Departments remuneration of such temporary/ seasonal workers may be drawn as vouched bill in TR 26 under detailed head “19” or “50”, as the case may be.
C. For workers engaged through an Agency, remuneration of the workers engaged should be paid to such approved Agency as vouched bill drawn in TR 26 under detailed head “78” or any other head as specified by concerned department.
All other provisions of Memo No. 8531-F(Y) Dated: 18.12.15 and Memo No. 1348-F(Y) Dated: 06.03.2017 should be followed.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary
Finance Department