Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2667-F(Y), Dated, the 1st April, 2013.
Sub: Consolidated Instructions regarding release of fund from Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices and Treasuries.
The undersigned is directed to state that the following types of bills may be passed in anticipation of allotment of fund for the period upto 30th June, 2013:-
I) Salary/Remuneration/Wages;
II) Honorarium and Additional Honorarium for ICDS staff and expenditure for running ICDS centres;
III) Stipends in respect of Internees, House-staff, P.G. Students and Trainee Nurses of Medical Colleges and hospitals of different nature under Health & Family Welfare Department.
IV) Office telephone bills;
V) Electricity charges of office establishments;
VI) Medical Reimbursement/Advances under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008;
VII) Medical Reimbursement under AXS.(M.A.) Rules drawn under the detailed head “07-Medical Reimbursement”.
VIII) Diet and Oxygen costs;
IX) Cost postage stamp and franking machine charges;
X) Cost of disposal of unclaimed dead bodies;
XI) Salary of doctors appointed by Health & Family Welfare Department on ad-hoc basis;
XII) Charges for scavenging by service providers engaged by Health & Family Welfare Department;
XIII) Charges of security agencies engaged by Health Sc Family Welfare Department;
XIV) Medical reimbursement/ Advances in respect of Judicial Officers, including retired Judicial Officers governed by separate Rules.
XV) State share of Pension of Freedom Fighters.
XVI) Old Age Pension and Widow Pension drawn under the Major Head “2235”.
Other instructions contained in Finance Department Memorandum No. 2470-F(Y) Dt. 31.03.2010 shall continue to remain in force during the financial year 2013-2014.
Sd/- K. Maiti
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 2667-F dated 01.04.2013, Source
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