

Backward Classes Welfare (Anagrasar Kalyan) Department works for social, economic and cultural development of the people belonging to SC, ST, OBC in West Bengal.

List of Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal

Updated List of Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal. Efforts are being made to improve their socio-economic conditions through various welfare programs and initiatives.

List of Scheduled Castes in West Bengal

Updated List of Scheduled Castes (specific group of communities recognized by the Indian government as historically disadvantaged and eligible for affirmative action programs) in West Bengal as per the Constitution (Scheduled Casts) Order Act.

West Bengal Scheduled Castes Advisory Council Act, 2017

An Act to constitute an Advisory Council for the Scheduled Castes and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Online Maintenance of Registers of Appointments

Every appointing authority may maintain Registers of Appointments (RoA) online in the modified format in the web portal www.wbreservation.gov.in developed by the Backward Classes Welfare Department.

Grants for Garments and Beddings paid to S.C. Ashram Hostels

Governor has been pleased to enhance the rate of grants for Garments & Beddings paid to ashramities of S.C. Ashram Hostels attached to different educational institutions.

Constitution of West Bengal SC, ST and OBC Development and Finance Corporation

Governor is pleased hereby to constitute, with immediate effect, the West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation, with the following members for carrying out the functions.

West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation Act, 2017

An Act to establish a Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation in West Bengal.

West Bengal Hindu Social Disabilities Removal Act, 1948

An Act to provide for the removal of certain social disabilities suffered by some sections of Hindus.

Citizenship after Exchange of Enclaves (Chhitmahals)

Caste Certificate will be issued to only those eligible and deserving persons who have been declared as Indian Citizen on and from 1/8/2015 and whose names along with the names of their family members are mandatorily incorporated.

Sikshasree Scholarship Scheme

Each of the SC students of Class V to VII will get a grant of Rs. 750/- per annum and those of Class VIII will get a grant of Rs. 800/- per annum, while students belonging to ST and studying from Class V to VIII will get a grant of Rs. 800/- per annum.

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