
Higher Education

Promotion and regulation of Higher Education and Cultural development including Technical or specialized education in the State Universities and Colleges.

Upper Age Limit for Appointment in Colleges and Universities

The upper age limit for appointment to all posts of Group-C and Group-D in all Government aided Colleges and Universities in West Bengal shall be raised to 40 (forty) years with immediate effect.

Claims of Part-Time and Contractual Whole Time Teachers

Submission of claims for remuneration of the existing Part-time teachers (PTTS) and Contractual Whole time teachers (CWTTs) along with the claim bills of Regular Teaching & Non-teaching staff of colleges.

Sparing Institutes/ Colleges for holding TET of Primary School Teachers

All Principals/ TIC/ OC of Colleges are advised that upon being approached by WBBPE, to spare the concerned Institute under their control for holding TET Examination for recruitment of Primary School Teachers and also to extend necessary cooperation.

Letter to Colleges regarding Absence on 20.02.13 and 21.02.13

All the employees of his college whose absence on 20th and 21st February, 2013 have not been substantiated under any ground set forth in the Oder No. 2013-F (P) dated 06.03.2012. Action in this regard is to be completed by 31st March, 2013.

Letter to University regarding Absence on 20.02.13 and 21.02.13

A detailed report may also be submitted to this Department regarding the action taken so far by the University in this behalf by 31st March, 2013.

Fixation of Pay of all Principals/ TIC

All proposal for fixation of the Principals who have joined on or before 01/01/2006 vide memo no. Ed-153/2013 dated 06/03/2013 to Addl. D P I.

Election of Students Unions in Universities and Colleges, 2013

Advisory for keeping in abeyance all processes related to election to the students’ unions in the Universities and their affiliated Colleges for the time being.

Process of Elections to Students Unions, 2013 – Clarification

University and College authorities may take recourse to the provisions of their existing Statutes, Rules and Regulations relating to the conduct of election to the Students’ Unions, and adopt appropriate arrangements.

Advisory for keeping in abeyance to Students Union Election

With a view to preventing any untoward incidents over conduct of students’ union elections, and to ensure the maintenance of peace and tranquillity in and around educational institutions.

Deposit of 50% Tuition Fees by Colleges to State Govt.

College authority shall deposit to the State Government, 50% of the tuition fees collected during an academic year and rest 50% of the tuition fees may be retained.

West Bengal Government’s Policy for Setting-up Private Universities

Every applicant who desires to set up Private University in West Bengal, may apply along with application fees of Rs. One lakh. The application should also contain ten (10) copies of Detailed Project Report (DPR).

CAS for the Teachers of State-aided-Universities

Applicability of the terms and conditions towards Redesignation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers of the State-aided-Universities in West Bengal.

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