The eighth Panchayat General Elections to 3-tier Panchayats will be held in this State within a short period from now. As has been assessed, around four lakhs of polling personnel will be required for smooth conduct of the above elections.
Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces.
Government of India have since increased the rate of pension from Rs. 200/- to Rs. 300/- per month under IGNWPS and IGNDPS with effect from 01.10.2012 as well as increased the grant from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- under NFBS with effect from 18.10.2012.
The unemployment allowance payable shall be paid to the applicant of a household subject to the entitlement of the household at a rate equal to one-fourth of the prevailing wage of the scheme for the first thirty (30) days during the financial year and at a rate equal to half of the wage rate for…
Financial Adviser (to be filled up by an officer in the rank of Special Secretary or Joint Secretary) has been introduced in the following six departments.
The Candidate must have retired as UDC or above rank preferably having past working experience in rural set up from any State Govt. department for GP Secretary.
Guidelines regulating the transfer of P.D.O and P.A & A.O under the Directorate of Panchayats & Rural Development, West Bengal.
Memo no. 3105/DP/IR-1/2011 dated 01.11.11 of the Directorate of Panchayats & Rural Developement seeking reports for Casual/ Daily rated/ Contractual Workers who are engaged in DPRDO/BDO/ZP/PS/GP Offices prior to 01.04.2010.
For implementation of NREGA, the State Government recruits GRS through BDO and appointment agreement with Pradhan for each one GRS at every Gram Panchayat.