
Women Development and Social Welfare

To provide welfare services for the well being of the under privileged sectors of our society such as children, women, persons with disability, aged, orphans and victims of social maladies.

Data Entry for Renewal of Kanyashree Benefits upto 31.03.2015

Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare informed that data entry for fresh and renewal cases of Kanyashree benefits is very slow. It should be completed within 31st March, 2015.

De-Reserve the post of Anganwari Worker and Anganwari Helper

A large number of vacancies in the posts of Anganwari Worker and Anganwari Helper are lying vacant due to non-availability of qualified SC/ST/BC-A/BC-B category candidates.

Capacity Building and Review Meeting of Kanyashree Prakalpo

A meeting convened by Directorate of Social Welfare i.r.o Kanyashree Prakalpo in the Conference Hall of the Department of Child Development and Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Bikash Bhavan, North Block, 10th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91 will be held on July 30, 2014.

Monitoring of Kanyashree Prakalpa (School-wise)

All the heads of the institutions are requested to assign the duty to look after the Kanyashree Prakalpa to the Assistant Headmaster or any other efficient teacher preferably a senior one, if they cannot spare time and give proper attention.

Enrolment of Unmarried Girls under Kanyashree Prakalpa

Government desires that all the eligible girl beneficiaries studying in colleges and turned eighteen must be enrolled within the due time and before their nineteenth birthday so that they can continue in their endeavor.

About Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal

An unmarried girl child who is 13 to 18 years old and reading in class VIII/IX/XI/XII will get annual scholarship of Rs. 750/- if annual income of her family is upto Rs. 1.2 Lac.

West Bengal Prohibition of Child Marriage Rules, 2008

If the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer receives a reliable information by any means that a child marriage is about to be solemnized and there is no scope to move the court for obtaining an injunction.

National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement

National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement was instituted in 1996 and is awarded by the Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of India.

Observation of National Girl Child Day on 24th January, 2014

I would be grateful if steps are taken for carrying out the celebrations as National Girl Child Day in a befitting manner on this day, that is on the 24th of January 2014.

Kanyashree Prakalpa – Target for K1 and K2 Beneficiaries

The necessary target for 21,17,976 of K1 beneficiaries and 3,69,146 of K2 beneficiaries, as desired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal in the inauguration of the Kanyashree Prakalpa.

Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013 – Application Form and Notification

Kanyashree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal.

West Bengal Commission for Women Act, 1992

An Act to provide for the constitution of a State level Commission for women and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

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