
Disbursement of Salary on Last but One Working Day of Month

Finance, , , 👁️ 1342

Salary of the State Govt. Employees and Salary out of Grants-in-aid shall be disbursed on last but one working day of the month. Wages of any other kind and Pension shall be disbursed on 1st working day of the following month.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 6454-F(Y) Dated, 27th August, 2015


Consequent upon introduction of the e-pradan system of payment the dates of disbursement of salary, wages, honorarium, pension, etc., by the Treasury/PAO are rescheduled as follows in supersession of memo. nos. 383-F dt. 11.1.2008, 4599-F(Y) dt. 24.5.11, 4849-F(Y) dt. 27.5.11, and 11214-F(Y) dt. 15.12.11

1. Salary of State Government Employees:

In respect of Drawing and Disbursing officers attached to Treasuries, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-I, II & III, and PAO at RC office of the state Government at New Delhi – Salary shall be disbursed to the employees on the last but one working day of the month to which salary relates.

Bills shall be submitted to the PAO/Treasury at least 5 working days before the date of disbursement of salary.

2. Salary out of Grants-in-aid (including salary of non Government aided educational institutions, municipalities, municipal corporations, panchayat bodies, libraries etc.):

All DDO’s-

i) In case of Grant-in-aid salary drawn by submission of bill without transfer to deposit account –

a) Disbursement shall be made to the employees on last working day of the month to which the salary relates;

b) where such salary is drawn in lump for payment to the bank account of the grantee institution at first, bill will be submitted to the PAO/Treasury at least 5 working days before date of disbursement; PAO/Treasury will make payment through ECS to the bank account of the grantee institution on the last but one working day of the month to which salary relates.

ii) In case of Grant-in-aid salary drawn first by submission of bill to PAO’s/Treasuries for transfer credit to deposit account, then disbursed by drawal of cheque by the administrator of the deposit account and pay order enfacement by PAO/Treasury on the cheque-

a) Disbursement shall be made to the employees on last working day of the month to which the salary relates;

b) Related bill may be submitted to the PAO, Treasury for transfer-credit to the deposit account at least 5 working days before the date of disbursement;

c) Cheque may be drawn and submitted to the PAO/Treasury by the administrator of the deposit account for enfacement of pay order at least 3 working days before the date of disbursement of salary.

3. Wages (including work-charged establishment), Honorarium, Stipend and any kind of remuneration falling in categories other than those mentioned above:

All DDO’s – Disbursement shall be made on the 1st working day of the month following the month to which it relates.

4. Pension – All types of pension shall be disbursed on the 1st working day of the following month.

In the e-pradan system of payment, mandates shall be given by the PAO/Treasury to RBI for payment on the date of disbursement as scheduled above.

This order shall take immediate effect.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this order Finance Department may issue separate and specific orders for disbursement of salary, wages, honorarium etc., for any particular month, if and when considered necessary.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6454-F dated 27.08.2015, Source

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