Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 5158-F(Y) Dated, 2nd July, 2015
In continuation of this office Memo No. 5100-F(Y) dated 1st July 2015, the following categories of receipts are exempted from the purview of GRIPS.
- Refund made by the Banks by cheque or draft to the Treasury/PAO/PDO for ultimate deposit under Government revenue receipt head through Challans.
- Deposits made in LF/Deposit account/PFD account under heads 8448/8449/8336, the inter-state adjustment head of account beginning with “8793”and under adjustment head between Central and State beginning with “8658”.
- Repayment of House Building Advance/Computer Advance/motor cycle advance etc., u/h “7610” and accrued interest u/h “0049” by Government employees.
This order will take immediate effect.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal