
Final Payment of GPF to Employees promoted from Group D to C

Accountant General, West Bengal, Finance, ,

Final Payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) in respect of employees promoted from Group D to Group C who do not have any GPF Account No. issued by Accountant General, West Bengal (AGWB) at the time when the Final Payment becomes due.

Audit Branch

No:- 1340-F(J)WB Date:- 08.04.2019


Sub:- Final Payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) in respect of employees promoted from Group D to Group C who do not have any GPF Account No. issued by Accountant General, West Bengal (AGWB) at the time when the Final Payment becomes due, or who have received GPF Account No. allotted by AGWB but transactions in respect of whom are booked in 8009-01-101-002-19/23 till GPF Final Payment becomes due.

Government of West Bengal has introduced the Online GPF Module for the Group D State Government Employees vide GO No 734-F(J)W.B. dt 28/02/2018. Afterwards, vide GO No 1353-F(J) W.B. dt 18/04/2018, point no 2 and 3, it has been clarified that employees who have been promoted from Group D to Group C, shall apply before AG, WB for GPF Account number.

A question has arisen regarding Final GPF Payment of employees who has been promoted from Group D to Group C and whose Final GPF Payment has become due on or after 01/04/2018 but before applying for GPF Account Number from AG, WB or before getting GPF Account Number from AG, WB after application. It has been under active consideration of the Government to simplify the procedure of Final GPF Payment of such employees.

Now, the Governor is pleased to empower Director, Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal (DPPG, WB) to issue GPF Final Payment Authority in respect of employees whose Final Payment has become due on or after 01/04/2018, provided the following two criteria are fulfilled

a) Employees have been promoted from Group D to Group C;


b) Have not applied before AG, WB for GPF Account number or applied but not received the GPF Account Number from AG, WB or have received GPF Account Number from AG, WB but GPF transactions have continued to be booked in 8009-01-101-002-19/23 till GPF Final Payment has become due.

Accordingly such employees shall now be considered within the purview of the Online GPF Module and Head of Office shall capture the Opening balance as on 01.04.2018 following the G.O. No 734-F(J)W.B. dated 28/02/2018 and follow the G.O. No 1115-F(J)W.B. dated-29/03/2018 for GPF Final Payment sanction of such employees. Head of Office shall have to furnish appropriate certificate at the time of forwarding online sanction to DPPG, WB.

This order will take immediate effect. Necessary amendments in ‘The General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules‘ will be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1340-F dated 08.04.2019, Source