
Graduate Laboratory Instructors eligible for Leave Encashment

Higher Education, 👁️ 164

Graduate Laboratory Instructors (GLI) of Government-aided Colleges shall be allowed to enjoy Leave Encashment at their retirement by means of superannuation or otherwise.


No. 325-ILC/OM-167L/2017 Date: 29.12.2017


Whereas, by means of various Government Orders vide No. 332-Edn (CS) dated 11.03.2002, No. 1039-Edn (CS) dated 27.07.1988, No. 1299-Edn (CS) dated 11.10.2002, No. 426-Edn (CS) dated 11.06.2003, No. 123-Edn (CS) dated 16.02.2009, No. 234-Edn (CS) dated 30.03.2012, and No. 420-Edn (CS) dated 23.05.2014, the Graduate Laboratory Instructors (GLI) of Government-aided colleges have been conferred with ‘Teaching Status’, and also extended the Scale of Pay equivalent to that of the teachers, and also extended movement in higher scale of pay on certain terms and conditions, and

Whereas, the above mentioned Orders were issued by the State Government in compliance of an Order passed by the Hon’ble Apex Court, and now thus become irrevocable under any circumstances, and

Whereas, the provisions of sub-section (xxi) of section 3 of the West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act, 2017 defines the Graduate Laboratory Instructor as the teacher of Government-aided Colleges, and thus confirmed the proposition set forth in the above mentioned Government Orders, and

Whereas, it is evident that the teachers and non-teaching employees of Government-aided colleges are enjoying the benefits of Leave encashment at their superannuation for a maximum period of 300 days since long, and

Whereas, it is considered expedient the Graduate laboratory Instructors of Government-aided colleges, who are at present considered to be ‘dying cadre’ and more or less 150 in numbers, be allowed the benefits of Leave Encashment at their usual superannuation, or died-in-harness, or otherwise up to a maximum of 300 (three hundred) days similar to that of the teachers and non-teaching employees of Government-aided colleges, and

Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the West Bengal Universities and colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act, 2017, the Governor is, hereby, pleased to direct that the Graduate Laboratory Instructors (GLI) of Government-aided Colleges shall be allowed to enjoy Leave Encashment at their retirement by means of superannuation or otherwise, in similar terms and conditions as are presently enjoying by the teachers and non-teaching employees of Government-aided Colleges in usual course with effect from the said date from which the teachers of the colleges have become eligible to enjoy this benefit.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Harisadhan Das
Deputy Secretary

No. 325-ILC dated 29.12.2017, Source