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Inclusion of some more TR Forms under e-Billing module of IFMS

Finance, , , , 👁️ 201

It is expected that the DDO’s will prefer preparation of the bills in electronic format for the claims to be submitted in the TR forms and acquaint themselves with the e-Billing.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 6295-F(Y) Dated, 20th August, 2015.


Sub: Inclusion of some more TR forms under e-Billing module of IFMS and its mandatory submission.

In continuation of FD memo no. 4879-F(Y) dt. 24.6.2015, the undersigned is directed to include the following TR forms in the e-billing module of IFMS. The digital format of the TR forms were notified vide FD notification no. 965-F(Y) dt. 18.2.2015 and no. 6229-F(Y) dt. 18.8.2015.

The modalities of e-billing are as follows-

  1. The TR forms for drawal of bills are available in the IFMS portal;
  2. Presently further 12 Nos. TR FORMS [TR-34, TR-35, TR-37, TR-42, TR-43, TR-68, TR-68B, TR-69, TR-7A, TR-10, TR-12 & TR-12A] have been developed and loaded in the IFMS system (e-Billing) in addition to the forms notified vide memo. no. 4879-F(Y) dt. 24.6.2015;
  3. TR form nos. 7A,10,12 and 12A are schedules to be attached with the bills;
  4. DDOs using DSC can prepare the bills by just filling up the relevant fields in the TR bill forms and submit them electronically to Pay & Accounts Office/ Treasury through e-Billing module.
  5. One copy of the bill to be printed out, signed and submitted to the Pay & Accounts Office/ Treasury by the DDO with beneficiary details and other necessary documents following the manual procedure of submission.
  6. All the schedules and challans will be generated automatically by the system without any further manual intervention.

For the time being preparation and submission of the bills in the system-uploaded TR forms is made optional. However, considering its benefit from the point of view of accuracy and less effort required for preparation of the bills, it is expected that the DDO’s will prefer preparation of the bills in electronic format for the claims to be submitted in the TR forms mentioned above and acquaint themselves with the e-Billing. Remaining TR forms shall also be available in e-Billing Module shortly.

Pay & Accounts Offices and Treasuries will have helpdesks to initially help the DDOs to prepare & submit 2-3 bills through e-Billing.

Submission of Bills in digitised formats of TR FORMS Nos. TR-7A, TR-10, TR-12, TR-12A, TR-24, TR-26, TR-27, TR-28, TR-31, TR-33, TR-34, TR-35, TR-36, TR-36A, TR-37, TR-42, TR-43, TR-50, TR-60 & TR-61, TR-68, TR-68B, & TR-69, through e-billing module shall be mandatory w.e.f. 15th September 2015.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Government of West Bengal

No. 6295-F dated 20.08.2015, Source