
Interim Relief to Pensioners – Clarification

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Re-employment remuneration shall continue to be fixed as per the procedure laid down in F.D. Memo No. 3951-F dated 27.05.2009 without any deduction on account of IR.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Nabanna, Howrah

No. 4496-F(P) Dated, the 26th August, 2016


Representations have been received from a number of re-employed/ contractually engaged pensioners/ family pensioners that they are put to hardship due to the provisions made in Memo No. 3059-F(P) dated 08.06.2016, in terms of which interim Relief (IR) @ 8% of basic pension are being deducted from their re-employed/ contractual remuneration.

2. Representations have also been received from certain other Govt. employees who are also put to undue hardship as the Band Pay actually arrived at on account of promotional fixation of pay w.e.f. 01.07.2016 are not to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating IR in view of clarification as provided under F.D. Memo No. 3502-F(P2) dated 30.06.2016.

3. Besides above, a question has been raised whether the employees working in various Work-charged establishments of various departments are Entitled to I.R. in terms of F.D. Memo No. 2926-F(P) dated 02.06.2016.

4. The above matters have been reviewed and after careful consideration the Governor is pleased to take the decision as follows:

(i) F.D. Memo No. 3059-F(P) dated 08.06.2016 is hereby cancelled. Re-employment remuneration shall continue to be fixed as per the procedure laid down in F.D. Memo No. 3951-F dated 27.05.2009 without any deduction on account of IR.

(ii) For regular wholetime employees an Interim Relief equal to 10% of Band Pay as on 01.07.2016 were allowed under FD Memo No. 2926-F(F) dated 02.06.2016. In terms of said order normal increment as due on 01.07.2016 counts for calculation of said IR. Accordingly for the same reason all pay fixation on 01.07.2016 due to functional or non-functional promotion shall also be allowed to count for calculation of said IR. F.D. Memo No. 3502-F(P2) dated 30.06.2016 and Para 2(i) of F.D. Memo No. 3858-F(P) dated 22.07.2016 stand modified to above mentioned effect.

(iii) As the employees engaged in various Work-charged establishments of Govt. are enjoying benefits at par with regular Government employees, they are entitled to the benefit of I.R. in terms of Memo No. 2926-F(P) dated 02.06.2016.

5. Above orders shall be deemed to have taken effect from 01.07.2016.

Sd/- D. K. Mahapatra
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 4496-F dated 26.08.2016, Source

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