Government of West Bengal
Finance Department, eGovernance Group
Nabanna, Howrah-711102
No. 579-F(Y) Dated: 02.02.2024
Subject:- e-Accounts – online submission of monthly Treasury Accounts
All the Treasuries, PAOs, PD cell, Calcutta Collectorate, Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts (for e-Treasury) etc. are required to submit monthly accounts to the Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlement), West Bengal (AGWB) in compliance with T.R. 2.34 and 2.35-2.38 of West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005. All the treasuries are to print a large number of reports and returns including Cash Account, List of Payments, Plus-Minus Memos, Schedules of Payments and Receipts etc. and compile all the vouchers, sub vouchers, required reports-returns, challans etc. for physical submission to AGWB. The process involves huge carrying costs and hazards especially for the treasuries situated in the farthest corners of the state.
After successful implementation of first-generation reforms in the realm of Public Finance, the Government of West Bengal was contemplating to introduce a secure, authentic and transparent online method for the purpose of monthly accounts submission leveraging the advancements in the field of Information Technology. Keeping this object in view and considering its importance, the two teams of Finance Department and of the AGWB discussed the issue in depth for a considerable period and reached consensus as regards the mechanism and business process modifications. For this purpose, to transfer voluminous data and files, seamless integration between AGWB middleware and WBIFMS servers has been established.
After carefully considering the matter in a holistic manner, the Governor is please to introduce the online accounts submission procedure in the form of a sub-module ‘e-Accounts’ under CTS module of WBIFMS. Considering the enormity and the complexities of the whole process, it has been decided to introduce the procedure in a phased manner. And both the processes – the existing procedure of physical submission accounts will run simultaneously with the newly commenced online method as a parallel run until any further order is issued in this regard.
First stage will come into force from the time for submission of accounts to AGWB for the month of January, 2024. The following salient changes in documentation and procedures are to be noted:
- An extract of monthly accounts, namely, ‘Summary Report Annexure C’ has been devised which includes all important figures of Cash Account, List of Payment, RBD, a few certificates and the list of data files accompanying monthly accounts. It is only to be signed both by the TO/PAO and e-Accounts Approver. This is to avoid existing rule of signing Multiple documents like Cash Accounts, List of Payments etc.
- Henceforth, all the PAOs, Treasury Officers etc. will have to digitally sign the e-Accounts with Aadhar based e-signing process as provided by C-DAC.
- The Collector/ e-Accounts Approver will also have to follow the same Aadhar based e-signing process on the monthly e-Accounts.
- This being a parallel run of the two processes – physical as well as online – the process for physical submission has to be followed, as it is, until further order.
- All other relevant data and files generated on the basis of monthly accounts finalized by the TO/PAO etc. and e-Accounts Approver, as has been unanimously decided by both the teams of Finance Department and that of WGWB, would be shared to AGWB middleware server from the WBIFMS portal with server signing.
- A new set of «Menu’s» for closure and online submission of accounts has been provided in place of the older ones.
- Last date of accounts submission for the month of January, 24 is extended up to 15.02.2024.
- The detailed guidelines in this regard have been made available under ‘Guidelines’ menu of WBIFMS portal.
Necessary modification in West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005 will be made in due course.
Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 579-F dated 02.02.2024, Source