
Search Results for “IFMS”

Introduction of IFMS Module for GPF Account Statement

Introduction of a facility in IFMS to access a statement showing up-to-date GPF balance for State Government Employees whose GPF Accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal.

Introduction of Schematic Bank Account Management System in IFMS

Governor is pleased to introduce Schematic Bank Account Management System (SBMS) Module in IFMS for management of Bank Accounts operations in connection with schematic funds disbursed through those Bank Accounts for different Schemes.

Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction Module in IFMS

Henceforth, administrative approval and financial sanction to Projects shall be accorded through AAFS Module and release of funds shall also be Project-wise within the respective Heads of Accounts.

WBIFMS Mobile App for Employees, Pensioners and Public Users

Governor is pleased to introduce the WBiFMS Mobile App for Users of the State Government and also for State Government Employees, Wage-Earners, Pensioners, recipient of various scholarships etc. and Public Users.

Transfer of Pension from Treasuries through IFMS

Treasury Officer shall select the Transferee Treasury’s name in CTS Module of IFMS and generate the Last Pension Payment Certificate showing the details of pension drawn at the Transferor Treasury.

Web-socket based Digital Signature Certificate in IFMS

The new Web-Socket based D-Sign allows authentication of data by multiple users as well as signing of documents. It also minimizes dependency on the Internet Browser and incorporate multiple signatories on the same document.

e-Service Book in IFMS-HRMS – Draft Format

State Government has constituted a Committee for revising the format of Service Book for the purpose of development of e-Service Book in IFMS-HRMS.

Access for viewing various MIS reports in IFMS

MIS reports may be viewed/ downloaded by logging into the portal with the login ID and password by the administrator of the concerned Department.

Submission of bill through IFMS-HRMS Module

Submission of claims relating to Loan, TA/DA may be made without being processed through the Loan and TA/DA sub-modules of HRMS till 30.06.2017.

Implementation of HRMS-IFMS for Grant-in-aid Colleges

Sub module for payment of salary to the employees of Grant-in-aid Colleges has been developed and deployed in the live server of IFMS.

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