Search results for: “POLICE “

  • Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police

    Governor has been pleased to accord approval for creation and filling up of 3351 posts of Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police for deployment in Gram Panchayet areas at a daily wage of Rs. 310/- for 22 days in a month.

  • Guidelines to Anti Corruption Branch Police Station

    In cases where the State Vigilance Commission recommends lodging of Criminal cases, the State Government may refer such cases to the Anti Corruption Police Station after examination.

  • Anti Corruption Branch Police Station

    Governor is pleased to specially declare the office at 9th floor, “A” wing, New Secretarial Building, No. 1, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata – 700001 to be a police station named as Anti Corruption Branch Police Station.

  • Prevention of Atrocities – Guidelines to Police Officers

    Certain measures to be taken by the Police Officers, who directly or indirectly deal with the incidents of atrocities or practice of untouchability in their respective jurisdiction.

  • Revision of Scale of Pay of Sower/ Head Sower of Mounted Police

    The question of revision of scales of pay of Sower and Head Sower of Mounted Police under the administrative control of Home (Police) Department have been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

  • Rattirer Saathi – Helpers of the Night

    A flagship programme, RATTIERER SAATHI – HELPERS OF THE NIGHT, for the safety for women specially for those working during night is hereby launched with the following guidelines for implementation in medical colleges/hospitals/hostels etc.

  • One Time Terminal Benefit for Casual/ Contractual Workers

    The amount of one time terminal benefit for the contractual personnel on attaining the age of 60/65 years will be enhanced to Rs. 5.00 lakh from 2.00 lakh/ 3.00 lakh

  • Toll-Free Number for Complaints related to Ragging – 18003455678

    State Government in the Higher Education Department has decided to introduce a 24X7 Central dedicated Toll-Free Number 18003455678 at Kolkata Police headquarters, Lalbazar, for lodging complaints related to Ragging.

  • Prohibition of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions of West Bengal

    To prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.

  • Introduction of Some New Facilities in HRMS

    Section/ Group creation within Office and tagging of employees with Section; Creation of HRMS ID for retired employees; Legal heir entry for a deceased/ missing employee; Availability of database of deputed employees for modification; Introduction of Workflow for Leave.