Search results for: “POLICE”

  • Maintenance of Cash Book

    Undisbursed amount of cash should be deposited to the Govt. account within three months. A certificate by DDO after physical verification of cash and record.

  • Disappearance of Government Employee

    The family must lodge a report with the concerned Police Station and obtain a report that the employee has not been traced after all efforts had been made.

  • Grant of Ordinary International Passport for State Government Employees

    Guidelines regarding Issuance of “Identification Certificate” for grant of Ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials and employees of the State Government, Semi or QuasiGovernment organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc.

  • Service Book – Opening, Writing, Verification

    Employee shall submit the duplicate service book every year for verification. After necessary entry the same will be returned to the employee. This copy may also be treated as original.

  • West Bengal Service (Duties, Rights and Obligations) Rules, 1980

    No employee shall go on strike without giving notice of at least 14 days. For public utility services (running of hospitals, Fire brigades, Drinking water supply, Milk supply, Ration shops) the period is 30 days.

  • West Bengal Service Rules Part – I and Part – II

    General Conditions of Service, Appointment, Occupation of Government Residence, Pay Fixation, Joining Time, Leave Rules, Retirement, Pensionary Benefits etc. are described in West Bengal Service Rules.

  • Revision of Scale of Pay of Wireless Operator, Wireless Supervisor

    The question of revision of scales of pay of Wireless Operator, Wireless supervisor (Technical & operational), Grade-II and Wireless Supervisor (Technical & operational), Grade-I under Telecommunication Branch of Home (Police) Department have been under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

  • West Bengal Inland Fisheries Act, 1984

    An Act to provide for the conservation, development propagation protection, exploitation and disposal of inland fish and fisheries in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971

    WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force.

  • Question and Answer Archive

    We started our online presence in free blogger platform. Then we got our new name as: We migrated from blogger to wordpress in 2011. Below are the archive of comments from the old blog.