Search results for: “LAND ACT”

  • Kanyashree Prakalpa – Target for K1 and K2 Beneficiaries

    The necessary target for 21,17,976 of K1 beneficiaries and 3,69,146 of K2 beneficiaries, as desired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal in the inauguration of the Kanyashree Prakalpa.

  • Service Charge Collection for NLRMP by Block Level Entrepreneurs

    Rs. 10/- only shall be collected as service charge per petition under section 6(2)(b) of Information Technology Act, 2000, where Block Level Entrepreneurs (BLE) shall be engaged for providing services to citizens.

  • Tea Tourism Policy of West Bengal

    The term “tea tourism” will broadly include the overall experience of tourists in the midst of a tea garden or estate, staying in a heritage bungalow, at a home-stay feeling in a tea-village or in a modern resort.

  • Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013 – Application Form and Notification

    Kanyashree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal.

  • Recognition of Un-Aided Private Schools by SED

    Based on the Application for Recognition of Un-Aided Schools as per RTE Act, the following 397 Un-aided private schools recognized by School Education Department. Earlier NOC/recognition of Un-aided Private Schools made by the School Education Department.

  • Amendment of West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005

    Chairperson shall prepare annual report of Biodiversity Management Committee giving full account of its activities during the previous year and submit a copy to concerned local body by 30th September of each year.

  • Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram – Referral Support Protocol

    This accords top priority to management of referred children, screened for 4 Ds (Defects at birth, Deficiency, Diseases of childhood and Developmental delay including disabilities) by the mobile health teams under RBSK.

  • Pre-paid Taxi Booths

    Pre-paid Taxi Booths: arrangements of fare charts, service charges, bank accounts and issues related thereto: some revised central principles.

  • Revision of Rent i.r.o. Private Premises Hired for Public Purposes

    Considering the rapid hike of rate of rent in the market, the rent shall be enhanced upto 20% of the present rent after every three years instead of existing 20% after every five years. Enhancement of rent shall be made automatically after expiry of every three years from the date of possession.

  • Fare chart of Pre-paid Taxi in Kolkata

    Only distance slabs and corresponding fare rates mentioned for different slabs in a uniform manner for all pre-paid taxi booths in kolkata.