Search results for: “ST”

  • Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal (Recruitment) Rules – Amendment

    Amendment of Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal (Recruitment) Rules, 2004, published with Land and Land Reforms Department notification No. 6105-Estt., dated 10.11.2004.

  • Internet Connectivity upto DDO Level for e-Bantan Module

    e-Bantan module will cover the entire processes of digitized fund flow ending up at the Drawing and Disbursing Officer’s level. For the purpose, it requires provisioning of Internet Connectivity up to the DDO level.

  • Personal Contact Programme for 2 year D.El.Ed Course

    Personal Contact Programme (PCP) including Workshop for the second year of the Two Year D El Ed Course in the respective study centres, will commence on and from 18-05-14 as per the schedules.

  • Childhood Diarrhoea Control Campaign, 2014

    Childhood diarrhoeal diseases continue to be a major killer among under five children, contributing to 11 percent of under five deaths in the country. Around 2 lakh children are lost due to diarrhoea annually.

  • Contractual Engagement of Retired UDC in Health

    Application invited from the retired personnel preferably below the age of 61 years for contractual engagement of UDC with monthly consolidated pay of Rs. 10,000/= per month for a period of one year.

  • Extension of Period of Deputation of B. Ed course

    As per provision under NCTE’s latest Regulation duration of B. Ed. programme shall be at least for a term of one academic year or two semesters. In obedience with the aforesaid norm of NCTE it has been decided that B. Ed. classes will start from 1st July every year and continue upto the last day…

  • Guidelines for Drawal of Bills for the Financial Year 2014-15

    State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the treasuries/ Pay and Accounts offices of the State Government in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st July, 2014.

  • Shifting of Summer Vacation in Madrasah, 2014

    Summer Vacation in Madrasah is shifted to 2nd May, 2014 to 24th May, 2014 due to extreme hot weather instead of from 22nd May, 2014 to 8th June, 2014. Total number of holidays for this academic year must not exceed 65 days.

  • Summer Vacation in School in view of Heat Wave in May, 2014

    Because of the prevailing heat wave it has been decided to approve the proposals of the Boards to reschedule the summer vacation which will now start from 2nd May, 2014 and end on 31st May, 2014.

  • School in Morning till Summer Vacation, 2014

    Extra ordinary hot conditions are prevailing all over the State. As is the existing practice, whenever there is severe heat wave, all Government, Government Sponsored and Non-Government Aided Schools are rescheduled to morning school.