Search results for: “TENDER”

  • Mandatory e-Tendering for Value above 5 Lakhs

    E-tendering is made mandatory for tender/ auction valued at and above Rs. 5 lakh. Detailed e-tendering procedure is prescribed in Note-2 below Rule 47(8) of WBFR.

  • Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government

    It is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three.

  • Constitution of State Level Core Committee i.r.o. e-Tender

    For smooth implementation of e-Tender process by the different Departments and their sub-ordinate offices and for monitoring the project core committee constituted.

  • Clarification on e-Tender

    For e-Tendering for tender value of rupees fifty lakh and above, all tender related activities should be processed through the e-Tender portal by the concerned Department/Office inviting tender.

  • Nodal Officer for e-Tender

    Finance Department has made it mandatory from 01.07.2012 for all State Government Departments and their subordinate Offices to publish their Tender on the centralized e-Tender Portal if the Tender Value is Rs. 50 lakh or more.

  • Mandatory Publication of Notice at e-Tender Portal

    NIC has developed a portal ) exclusively for upload and publish the tender related documents of the State Government.

  • Functions of the Tender Committee – Public Works Rules 1987

    Tender Committee was required to evaluate the tender in respect of work estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lac (enhanced limit) on the cost of which may exceed the estimated amount by 3%.

  • Karmashree Prakalpa in West Bengal

    Scheme regulating all rural unskilled workers, who are registered under Mahatma Gandhi NREGS through Job Cards, are eligible to get employment under the scheme “Karmashree” through various departmental works.

  • Bank Guarantee Repository System (BGRS) by ICICI Bank

    Recently, the ICICI Bank Ltd. has come up with the proposal for providing Bank Guarantee Repository System (BGRS) to State Government Offices free of cost for keeping track of all their Bank Guarantees.

  • Project Clearance Committee will examine before according AAFS

    Project Clearance Committee (PCC) will examine the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and other Technical matters of the proposals before issuance of Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction.