Search results for: “VAT”

  • Clarifications of ROPA, 2009

    If promotion to higher post involves assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, a Government employee for such promotion will get the benefit of 3 percent increment in terms of Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009, even though Grade Pay of the officiating promotion post is lower than the ‘Grade Pay’ drawn…

  • West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972

    Apartment means part of a property having a direct exit to a road, street or highway or to a common area leading to such road, street or highway which together with in undivided interest in the common areas and Facilities forms an independent residential unit, and includes a flat.

  • Recognition of New Health Care Organisation

    Governor is pleased to recognize the following private Health Care Organisations under the West Bengal Health Scheme 2008: SHARANYA, Glocal Hospital Dubrajpur, (Unit of Glocal Health Care System Pvt. Ltd.), North Bengal Oncology Centre Pvt. Ltd.

  • Departmental Promotion in West Bengal Medical Education Service, 2013

    Eligible Medical Teachers of the WBMES are required to apply for departmental promotion in different disciplines of WBMES as per the instructions and schedule annexed here with for departmental promotion to the higher academic posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.

  • National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award, 2013

    The nurse who has a regular job but in times of emergency of crisis such as accident, fire, flood or famine, which may occur at any time, performs in a heroic manner without regard to her/his own time, safety and/or possessions.

  • Procurement of Drugs for Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

    MSVPs of all medical college & hospitals and Superintendents of hospitals where such fair price shops are located shall procure drugs & consumables under JSSK from these shops.

  • Grievance Cell for early Issuance of Caste Certificates

    The Grievance Cell will meet the queries and clarifications for early issuance of caste certificates to the applicants who are willing to file nominations in the ensuing General Election to Panchayats.

  • West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005

    West Bengal Biodiversity Board will advise the State Government on all matters relating to the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of biological resources.

  • Mayel Lyang Lepcha Development Board

    The aims and objects of the Board shall be to undertake all necessary activities for the protection, promotion and safeguarding of the Lepcha language, tradition and culture; to undertake activities to protect historical and culturally significant landmarks of the community;

  • State Level Monitoring Committee in BCW Deptt.

    Governor is pleased to constitute the State Level Monitoring Committee as per Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.