Inclusion of Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt of Motor Vehicles Tax, Driving Licence Fee, Motor Vehicle Border Check Post Receipt, Road Toll, Transport Workers’ Welfare Cess, etc. administered by Transport Deptt. through GRIPS Portal.
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch
No. 2921-F(Y) Dated, 3rd June, 2014.
Sub: Inclusion of heads of accounts for e-receipt of Motor vehicles tax, driving licence fee, MV border check post receipt, road toll, etc., administered by Transport Dptt., through GRIPS Portal
On-line receipt of State Government revenue of Transport Department through GRIPS portal was under consideration of the Government for some time past to expand the reach of the GRIPS portal and avail the advantage of electronic deposit of money in Government account and its accounting without the hassles associated with manual dealing of the fund. Now, the Administrative Department having completed the process of tuning their system to electronic receipt of Motor vehicles tax, driving licence fee, MV border check post receipt, road toll, Transport workers’ welfare cess, etc., approached Finance Department to enable the GRIPS portal to receive the departmental revenue henceforth.
Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to include the following heads of accounts in GRIPS Portal for on-line and off-line receipt of Motor vehicles tax, driving licence fee, MV border check post receipt, road toll, Transport workers’ welfare cess etc., through all/ any of the participant bankers in the GRIPS portal.
Heads of accounts under which the Motor vehicles tax, driving licence fee, MV border check post receipt, road toll, Transport workers’ welfare cess, etc., can be deposited by the depositors through GRIPS portal are as follows:-
Account head
Receipts on account of tax (Taxes)
Receipts on account of tax (fines)
Receipts under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (fines)
Receipts under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (registration fee)
Receipts under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (licence fee)
Receipts under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (other fees)
Receipts under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (other receipts)
Receipts on account of Tax State Motor Vehicles Taxation Act and the Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) Act, 1976 (Taxes)
Receipts on account of Tax State Motor Vehicles Taxation Act and the Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) Act, 1976 (Levy)
Receipts on account of Tax State Motor Vehicles Taxation Act and the Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) Act, 1976 (other receipts)
Receipts on account of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979 (Taxes)
Receipts on account of the West Bengal Additional Tax and one-time tax on Motor Vehicles Act, 1989 (Taxes)
Receipts on account of the West Bengal Additional Tax and one-time tax on Motor Vehicles (Amendment) (Taxes)
Receipts from issue of Laminated card-type driving licence (licence fees)
Receipts from issue of Laminated card-type driving licence (other receipts)
Receipts from Motor Vehicles Border Check Post (other receipts)
Receipt on account of Tolls on Roads (Toll)
Deposit under West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 2010
“8443-00-116-Deposit under various Central & State Acts-002- Deposit under West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 2010” followed by “07-Deposit” for receipts and “10-Payments” for withdrawal has been created with concurrence of Finance (Budget) Department, vide their U.O. no. 0199, dt. 02.06.2014. Action is being taken for approval of AG (A&E), WB to the new sub-head.
Separate order is being issued detailing the procedure of withdrawal of the fund from the newly created Deposit head for payment to the Labour Department/ Transport workers’ Welfare Board of the State Government.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.