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Registration in D.El.Ed. for Session 2014-16

School Education, 👁️ 159

Receipt of registration fees for students undergoing D.El.Ed. for the session 2014-16 will be started from 16th February, 2015 to 4th March, 2015.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 229(286)/BPE/2015 Date: 12/02/2015

The Principal/LIC/TIC/Sr. Lecturer
All DIET/ Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Govt. Sp./ Self-Financed P.T.T.Is

Sub: Registration of students of the session 2014-16

Sir/ Madam,

With reference to the above, I am directed to request you to submit the approved list of students, undergoing 2-year D. El. Ed. in your institution in the current session – 2014-2016, and thereafter, to receive Information Sheet for Registration on payment of Rs. 600/- (Rupees six hundred) only per student by a single Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of West Bengal Board of Primary Education payable at Kolkata.

Under no circumstances the total amount from an institution should exceed thirty thousand for fifty intake institutions and sixty thousand for one hundred intake institutions.

The process for such receipt of registration fees, list of students and handing over Information Sheets will start on and from 16th February 2015 to 4th March, 2015.

The filled in Information Sheets should be submitted to this Board with details noted in the prescribed excel format, being enclosed with this Memo. Submission of soft copy with the hard copy is mandatory.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi

No. 229-BPE dated 12.02.2015