
Registration Form Fill Up for Higher Secondary Examination, 2023

Higher Secondary Education, , 👁️ 236

Filling up of the field Aadhar Number in the online Registration form is being made optional. Please note that, Aadhar No. will be needed for these students at the time of enrolment for H.S Examination 2024.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 91

No: L/Secy/69/2022 Date: 07/09/2022


Attention: All Heads of Higher Secondary Institution

It has come to our notice that a substantial number of students of Class XI are still not having their Aadhar Card and Caste Certificate. In order to enable these students to get themselves registered in the H.S curriculum, I am directed to inform that the Council is providing certain relaxation for the time being in the above mentioned aspects:

Regarding the online portal which has been launched very recently, it is being notified that, some navigation tabs in the online portal will be kept disable for the time being other than the online Registration and the submission of Class XI Annual Examination fee. Work is in progress in regard to functionality of these disabled features and all the facilities will be made operational sequentially at the earliest.

Sd/- Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
WB Council of HS Education

No. L/Secy-69 dated 07.09.2022, Source