
Sankhalaghu Shiksha Utkarsha Abhiyan under RMSA

School Education,

Annexure of No. 62-RMSA dated 19.03.2015 regarding School Grants, 2014-15

Name of the Programme: Sankhalaghu Shiksha Utkarsha Abhiyan (Improvement of underachievers belonging to Minority Community)


Though there is a system of educating minorities in West Bengal through Madrasahs approved by the State Govt. the coverage is not up to the mark. Hence the School Education system has laid special focus on the Education of the minority community students. As such, a pilot project of enhancement of learning of minority community students at the end of class IX has been taken up so that these students can do well in Secondary Examination in the forth coming year.

The students who do not fare well in final examination of class IX may be identified and provided hand holding support in their learning so that they may achieve better in the next examination at par with the students of normal standard in the class. This programme may be called Remedial Support in case of learning of minority community students.

There are 12 Districts in West Bengal which reportedly have high populations of minority communities either in the whole District or in some pans of the concerned District. To concentrate the programme as cluster in certain districts, we need not spread the programme all over the State but it may be initiated in six identified districts, namely Murshidabad, Malda, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, South 24 Parganas and North 24 Parganas where there are several blocks dominated by the minority communities in demographic distribution. This will help the State personnel to monitor and assess the programme properly.

Keeping the above premises in mind an initiative called ‘Sankhalaghu Shiksha Utkarsha Abhiyan’ (Improvement of under achievers belonging to Minority Community) has been taken up this year for implementation of the same on pilot basis in the 6 Districts viz like Murshidabad, Malda, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur. South 24 Parganas and North 24 Parganas where students are to be identified and given special coaching for uplift of their capacity so that most of these students may prepare themselves sufficiently in the forth-coming year and enhance their achievement level.

Objective of the programme

i) To extend support in terms of equity in education.

ii) To organize a pilot initiative to uplift the learning level of the minorities

iii) To constitute a committed team of experts in the District to take up such similar activities within the District for the sake of upgrading the learning skills of the minority students in the present system of education.

To raise confidence among minority students for better main streaming.

Certain Premises of the programme

To translate the objectives of the programme into action, the following premises are to be considered:

A) The programme will be conducted in the six districts in the following manner

DistrictNo. of CentresNo of students to be coveredNo. of Blocks
i) Uttar Dinajpur20 (including 5 Madrasa)5002
ii) DakshinDinajpur20 (including 5 Madrasa)5002
iii) Malda40 (including 10 Madrasa)10004
iv) Murshidabad60 (including 20 Madrasa)15006
v) North24 Parganas205002
vi) South 24-Parganas4010004
200 (including 40 Madrasa)500020

B) Each Centre will consist of 25 minority students of class X having low learning level in class IX.

The State will cover 200 centers having 5000 students in all. Out of these centres. 40 centres may be opened in different Madrasahs in Murshidabad. Malda, Dakshin Dinajpur and Uttar Dinajpur.

C) For each centre, the District authority will be able to spend Rs. 500/- @ student i.e. 25 X Rs. 500 = Rs. 12,500/- in four months.

D) The District authority will identify certain willing schools in the selected Blocks, who will act as nodal school of this programme.

The H.M of the concerned school will organize the centre/s in the specific venue in morning or after school hours at least for 3 hours for four months at least.

E) The venue school may also include backward minority students of the neighboring schools. Therefore the venue school needs to constitute an organizing Committee consisting of selected teacher of the concerned school including some H.M s and teachers of neighboring schools. This committee will give feedback and conduct assessment of the students in the beginning & end of the programme.

F) Existing and retired teachers maybe engaged in the process of teaching &learning of these centres. Sometimes properly educated youths may also be inducted from the Community to engage them in the work as volunteers.

G) Conveyance & Tiffin cost expenditure may be made for these teachers as per permissible Govt. norms. The centres should concentrate their energy in improving subjects like English, Maths, History and concerned 1st language.

H) The District will constitute an Organising Committee in the following manner;

One representative of D.M./A.D.M.Chairman
D.P.O. SSM & RMSAConvenor
D.I/ SEMember
One Minority Development OfficerMember
One A.I/SMember
Two minority representativeMember
Two H.M sMember

I) Relevant Fund will route through RMSA Account of the District DPO, SSM & RMSA will be liable to keep all the accounts properly. The District Committee will organize a survey among the targeted students at the beginning the programme to know the level of their existing status of learning and also conduct an impact study at the end of the programme to know the level of their achievements.

J) The District will concentrate on basic competency of the students like writing skill, reading comprehension skill, numerical skills, basic concept building and proper interpretation and simple presentation. These will be conducted normally keeping relation with the questionnaires made in Secondary Examination at the end of Class X.

K) Budgetory Provision = for centres:-

5000 students X Rs. 500 = Rs. 25,00,000/-



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