
Utilization of fund for Science Exhibition and Book Fair

School Education, ,

Learning science with the help of experimentation, project method and model preparation is more effective than only through reading science text book and cramming rules of nature.

Annexure of No. 62-RMSA dated 19.03.2015 regarding School Grants, 2014-15

Guideline for utilization of fund under the programme:- Science Exhibition & Book Fair

In the science curricula of Secondary level, the students are expected to link their experience with scientific truth. This can only be possible if the students internalize the basic scientific truths and correlate them with each other. Moreover, contextualization of these truths with field reality and day to day life situation is also another aspect of purpose for learning science. This is only possible if the learners can do hand on experiments, transfer knowledge from one experiment to other and accommodate new ideas and innovations in the process of learning.

Thus learning science with the help of experimentation, project method and model preparation is more effective than only through reading science text book and cramming rules of nature. Keeping these premises in mind, PAB of RMSA has approved the proposal of holding Science Exhibition in each District of this State.

On the other hand, emphasis has been given on developing reading habits of the students from their early stages. Developing love for books is also one of the quality activities which form a lifelong habit of children and which tends to develop a zeal for printing materials and book. This does not necessarily include only text book, but encompasses a wide range of books according to their individual interest. Along with library activities in the school, the students should have also experience in choosing books of his/her interest and purchasing them out of their own pocket money. The whole purpose of popularizing book-reading may be fulfilled. Keeping the above premise in mind, PAB RMSA has approved the activity of holding Book fairs in each District in collaboration with NBT.

Since both the above mentioned programmes are related to quality development, these are complementary to each other. Holding both the programmes jointly at the District level may not only unify the purpose of quality intervention, but also facilitate the act of organizing both the programmes at one venue simultaneously.

In the above backdrop, West Bengal RMSA will organize both the programmes simultaneously and convergently in one venue at District Level.

Objective of the Programme

  1. To encourage innovation in science learning .
  2. To inspire the students in basic science and help overcoming local obstacles man made or nature-made by dint of basic science.
  3. To set a direction in improving the present eco-agricultural situation and bio-diversity
  4. To bring science as a matter of interest through reading different science-related books, rather than only text books.
  5. To create reading habits and passion for books through purchasing books of different interests.
  6. To create an environment through presenting drama, songs and holding seminar on science & books.

Basic premises of the Programme

1. Each District authority will select one school campus within the District Headquarter wherein these programmes will be held.

2. A Working Committee at the district level will be constituted to hold the programme.

i) One representative of D.M. Chairman

ii) District Project Officer, SSM Convener

iii) District Inspector of Schools(S.E.) Member

iv) ADPO, SSM Member

v) One AI/S.I(S.E.) Member

vi) Two H.M.s/Teacher Member

vii) H.M of the Host school Member

viii) Two local authors/interested persons in Science Member

3. Duties and responsibilities of the Committee

i) To organize and hold the two programmes in a well planned manner.

ii) To select the venue school

iii) To make contact with the school within the District concerned and ask them to join in the science exhibition and book fair

iv) To invite local publishers and Publishing Houses of College Street Market to participate in the fair.

v) To conduct a wide campaign about this programme.

vi) To make contact with NBT officials to extend co-operation in holding these fairs.

vii) To place a budget, keep all expenditure statement and send utilization certificate to State RMSA office.

viii) To arrange judgment of exhibition and declare the best performers.

4) Fund will be placed before D.P.O., SSM

5) A tentative list of Publishing Houses of College Street Market of Kolkata will be prepared and a meeting will be held along with Book Sellers Associations of the State level so that invitation can be forwarded to the m all. The list of willing publishers will be finalized by the State Office. At the State level DSPD, RMSA will be in-charge of this programme and he will be assisted by some selected officials of Education Deptt./Directorate and of SSM. Another meeting along with District level stake holders may also be organized at the State Level.

6) Each venue school will utilize their classrooms for science exhibition and book fairs. However, the organizer will erect a dias upon which not only inaugural and closing programme will be held but also some cultural programme and seminars will be held on all two days.

7) The programme will be held for 2 days. Arrangement of accommodating guests for out-stationed publishing houses and NBT and students coming from far off areas of the District is also to be made by the District level committee.

This programme will be held within March, 2015. The district programme dates should not clash with one another. Therefore holding dates will be finalized by the state office only after discussion with publishing houses of Kolkata. It is better to start from Coochbehar and its neighboring districts one by one, so that all the publishing houses can all move from one District to another with their own belongings.

Budgetary Provisions:

a) Rs. 1 (One) lakh for each District for each programme.

b) For state level meeting Rs. 10,000/- will be spent from MMER cost, RMSA.



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