
Programme of Self Defence Training for Girls under RMSA

School Education,

To equip the girls with some life skills and defence skills so that they can avert any kind of untoward situation at least at the first instances.

Annexure of No. 62-RMSA dated 19.03.2015 regarding School Grants, 2014-15

Guideline to conduct the Programme: Self Defence Training for Girls


Proneness to women atrocities is not a recent phenomenon in the society. Women have been traditionally considered as preys to male chauvinism and aggression from the time immemorial But in the last two centuries as a result of extension of education among women and due to certain reform moments occurred in Bengal the women have become more strengthened to protest against the attitude and act of violence of their male counterparts. This has again opened the possibility of new threats to those women inside and outside home.

At this backdrop the school going girl students are the worst sufferers and they have every chance of being effected. Sometimes, the girls have to travel a long way to reach a Secondary or Higher Secondary school either on foot or by bicycle, some times even alone. The parents habitually stoop to this apprehension and restrain the girls children to attend schools regularly. Herein lies chances of drop outs among the girls.

Keeping the above premises in mind, Govt. of West Bengal proposed in the current AWP&B of West Bengal RMSA an innovation programme on Girls education wherein an intensive training will be given to at least 1,00,000 girls reading in class IX, X, XI & XII so that they can build up in themselves certain self defence skills including life skill for self protection and self-development.

Objective of the new programme

a) To reduce irregular attendance of girl students

b) To equip the girls with some life skills and defence skills so that they can avert any kind of untoward situation at least at the first instances.

c) To spread a message to the violence-maker that girls are being ready for counter-defence and awareness is being developed among the girls in this regard.

d) To make the Physical Education teacher of each school aware of these skills for future practice of them as a part of school curriculum .

Basic premise of the new programme

The programme has two prolonged targets –

a) to develop certain life skill

b) Learn certain self defence mechanism .

i) Life skill

ii) Self defence skill:

Basic Principles

i) The programme will be held in 1000 girl and co-ed govt. and govt. sponsored schools in West Bengal @ 50 schools from each District on an average . Keeping the availability of schools and specific necessity of this programme in certain Districts in mind, this sacrosanct distribution of schools @ 50 may be made flexible in the following manner:-

Uttar Dinajpur25
Paschim Medinipur60
Purba medinipur50
North 24 Parganas50
South 24 Parganas60

ii) Each school will make two groups having each group consisting of 50 girl students of class IX, X, XI & XII.

The training will be held in 15 working days may be during one month period /at a lesser period from 3-00 p.m to 5-30 p.m each day.

Two trainers for each school? will be deputed by the District SSM-cum-RMSA Office.

iii) The District Officer of Physical Education and Youth Welfare(DOPE; &YW) will be the chief-co-ordinator of this programme. He will have to perform the following duties:

iv) A District level committee may be formed along with the following personnel

a)One representative of D.MChairman
b)D.I/S(S.E)/D.I/S( Academic)Vice Chairman
c)DOPE &(YW)Convener
d)One AI/S(S.E.)Member
e)Two Resource PersonMember
f)Two H.Mmember

v) The State Office will convene a workshop (residential) of two days along with 60 resource persons from different Districts at the State level and prepare a guideline for the same and afterwards those resource persons will subsequently train the District level resource persons @ two person for each school for three days at their respective Districts.

vi) DOPE & YW of each district will utilize the service of the teachers and members of Karate and Judo associations who are mostly associated with such activities

Budgetary Provision

Each District will prepare a budget @ Rs.2800 per school (1400 X 2 trainer =2800 for 15 days) and organize the training of school-wise trainers for three days @ 10,000/-(lump sum)

i) State level orientation for preparation of guideline may be held out of RMSA fund earmarked for teachers training.

ii) MMER cost may be utilized to provide vehicles and TA/DA for the State organizers to visit the District during the programme.

State Project Director


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