

Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.

Public Works Department Code – an Amendment

If upon calling for competitive tenders, the number of tenders received is less than three, the tenders shall be invited afresh. Such Re-Tender notice shall be published in widely circulated dailies for conventional NIT and also through e-Tender portal.

Procurement of Drugs for Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

MSVPs of all medical college & hospitals and Superintendents of hospitals where such fair price shops are located shall procure drugs & consumables under JSSK from these shops.

Accounting Procedure of Execution of Works through PSU’s

Procedure of drawal and disbursement of fund and preparation of accounts related to execution of works by non-works departments of the Govt through PSU’s/ autonomous bodies/ development authorities.

Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government

It is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three.

Help Desk for e-Procurement of Goods and Services

There shall be seven Help Desk for e-Procurement of Goods and Services for the State Government viz. Pranjali, Jalasampad Bhavan, Medinipore, Burdwan, Berhampore, Malda, Siliguri Town.

Clarifications of Purchase Policy

West Bengal Financial Rules provided for preferential treatment by way of 10% price preference to the State Government organizations vide Note-1 below sub-rule (3) of rule 47A of WBFR.

Clarifications of Purchase Policy – Engagement of Agency

Clarifications of Purchase Policy regarding engagement of Agency under Rule 47D of Finance Departments Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.6.2012.

Settlement of Disputes under Conditions of Contract of PWD

If the contractor considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements of the contract, or disputes any drawings, record or decision given in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Constitution of State Level Core Committee i.r.o. e-Tender

For smooth implementation of e-Tender process by the different Departments and their sub-ordinate offices and for monitoring the project core committee constituted.

Delegation of Financial Power of Engineering Wings

Maximum 5% excess of Tender Value may be accepted by the ‘Tender Inviting Authority’ subject to the overall power of tender acceptance delegated to each level of engineer officers.

Financial Power of Engineer Officers

Assistant Engineers have the Tender Acceptance Power of Rs. 3 lakhs + 5% excess of Tender value as per the new delegation of financial power rule.

New Purchase Policy of West Bengal Government

For supply of articles or stores or for execution of works and services with estimated value not exceeding Rs. 10 lakh, Minimum period for submission of tender from the last date of publication is 7 days.

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