Finance, Public Works, AA&FS , IFMS , PWD Code
Reference of the G.O. under which the Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction was issued, should invariably be given in the Sanction-cum-Allotment order.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Memo. No. 257-F(Y) Date: 11.01.2018
Sub: Issuance of “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” and providing its details in the “Allotment Orders”
It has recently been brought to the notice of the Government that several Departments are issuing “Allotment Orders” through “IFMS” for projects being sanctioned by them for execution by works department without providing details of the “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” in the “Allotment orders”.
2. Also it has been observed that several departments are not issuing “Allotment Orders” relating to State Plan Fund through the “Sanction-cum-Allotment” option in “e-Bantan” module of “IFMS”. In case of allotment of fund through “Sanction-cum-Allotment” option of e-Bantan, the “Sub Allotting Authority” has the provision for entering details relating to the “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” for the work, the U.O. No. against which such “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” was accorded and also the name of the work for which such “Sanction-cum-Allotment” is issued.
3. In the absence of information relating to “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” for the work, the concerned Executive Engineer is not able to correlate as to which project the allotment of fund relates to. This leads to unnecessary delay in execution of projects. This was already brought to the notice of all Departments vide Circular No. 6029-F(Y) dated 22.9.2017 of Finance department, Audit Branch.
4. In view of the above, it is again reiterated that all Departments are requested to issue an “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” for the work related to that Department in terms of Rule 165 of WBFR, Vol-1 read with Rule 168(1) of PWD Code Vol-1 before fund is released.
5. At the time of release of fund under Plan Head, the reference of the G.O. under which the “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” was issued, should invariably be given in the “Sanction-cum-Allotment” order. Copies of both the “Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction” and “Sanction-cum-Allotment” should also be endorsed to the Head of the Department, Chief Engineer of the concerned wing of the works department and the Executive Engineer, who is responsible for implementation of the project.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to
The Government of West Bengal
Finance Department