
Finance Department – Archive, 2010

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2010.

2621-F dt. 27.12.2010Housing Loan Scheme at WB State Co-op. Bank Ltd
2620-F dt. 27.12.2010House Loans Scheme of WB – Rate of interest
1025-F dt. 24.12.2010Additional Quantum of Pension to Family Pensioner above 80 years
11794-F dt. 22.12.2010Financial benefit to Casual/Daily rated workers etc.
1013-F dt. 21.12.2010Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners
974-F dt. 26.11.2010Dearness Relief to Pensioner/ Family Pensioner w.e.f. 01.12.2010
10850-F dt. 23.11.2010Dearness Allowance to the State Govt. Employees w.e.f 01.12.2010
10109-F dt. 21.10.2010Complication of recruitment rules for all regular Govt. Employees
10327-F dt. 01.11.2010Revision of Scales to the Sub-ordinate Labour Services
9965-F dt. 21.10.2010Modification of Promotional Fixation for Identical Scale of Pay
10098-F dt. 20.10.2010Principles for movement of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographer
8884-F dt. 02.09.2010Payment of Salary through Bank Amendments thereof
757-F dt. 27.08.2010Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners
8651-F dt. 24.08.2010Procedure for according Administrative Approval to Plan projects
7801-F dt. 22.07.2010Monthly rate of cleaning and servicing of office equipments
7752-F dt. 21.07.2010Standard Grant in Aid Sanction Order
7514-F dt. 14.07.2010Adjustment of short-fall of GPF arises on implementation of ROPA, 09
635-F dt. 14.07.2010Payment of additional quantum of family pension
7196-F dt. 02.07.2010Preparation, Cancellation, Appointment – Non-PSC Posts Panel
7190-F dt. 02.07.2010Release of 2nd installment of Arreas of ROPA, 2009
7189-F dt. 02.07.2010Release of 2nd installment of Arrears of ROPA, 2009
7165-F dt. 01.07.2010West Bengal Services Recruitment to Clerical Cadre Rules, 2010
608-F dt. 29.06.2010Revision of pensionary benefits to employees of WBCHSE and WBBSE
FS-169 dt. 25.06.2010
FS-170 dt. 28.06.2010
Restriction on opening of unlawful Co-operative by the Govt. employees
4761-F dt. 07.06.2010Model Sanction Order for Final Payment of GISS 1983 and 1987
4571-F dt. 03.06.2010Facility of telephone to Govt. employees
4385-F dt. 31.05.2010Adjustment of advance drawn in connection with election.
449-F dt. 28.05.2010Minimum pension to the pensioners whose pension yet to be revised
391-F dt. 13.05.2010Ceiling on two family pensions admissible to the child/ children
2966-F dt. 23.04.2010Schemes, compelled to engaged casual, daily rated workers
294-F dt. 08.04.2010D.R. for pensioners whose pension has not been revised w.e.f. 01.04.2010
290-F dt. 07.04.2010D.R. to State Govt. pensions/ family pensioners w.e.f. 01.04.2010
2580-F dt. 06.04.2010D.A. to the Govt. Employees and increase in wages of Daily Rated workers
2540-F dt. 05.04.2010Revision of Pay scale of West Bengal Sub-ordinate Labour Service
505-F dt. 11.03.2010Housing Loan Scheme – Rate of Interest at UBI
139-F dt. 24.02.2010Consolidation of pension who are in receipt of two pensions
1341-F dt. 23.02.2010Recruitment of Group B posts through PSC and change of age limit
127-F dt. 23.02.2010Payment of revised pension in terms of Memo. No. 200-F dt. 25.02.2009
960-F dt. 11.02.2010Attendants to Ministers and appointment on compassionate ground
522-F dt. 22.01.2010Appointment Committee of the Cabinet for filling up through the PSC
401-F dt. 14.01.2010Payment of Salary through E.C.S.
1-FB dt. 14.01.2010Advances for purchase of Motor Cycles/ Scooters/ Mopeds etc.
103-F dt. 05.01.2010Rate of interest payable on GPF contribution w.e.f. 01.04.2009
01-F dt. 04.01.2010Consolidation of restored portion of pro-rata pension

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