Search results for: “TRANSFER”

  • Guidelines for Payment of Bills of Works/ Forest Departments

    Every bill drawn in TR Form No. 70 against such Project IDs would be charged against the approved project cost. Enhancement of approved project cost may be made after due approval of competent authority.

  • Guidelines for Laying Water Pipelines along/in Roads

    Guidelines for streamlining the process and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/ in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure.

  • Issuance of A/c Payee Cheque for Krishak Bandhu

    Payment for the Krishak Bandhu (Death Benefit) Scheme may be made either by Direct Benefit Transfer to the Bank Account of the beneficiary or by issuance of Account Payee Cheque.

  • How to remain Cyber-Safe

    Eight technology-driven situations to remain cyber-safe. 1. Password Threats, 2. E-Mail Security, 3. Online Scams, 4. Social Networking Risks, 5. ATM Threats, 6. Online Banking, 7. Online Shopping and 8. Mobile Security.

  • Matir Katha Guidelines

    The aim of Matir Katha is to empower the farmers with the knowledge of government recommended package of practices, latest innovations and advisories, 24/7 crop protection solutions on the field so that farmer can produce more, sell the produce at right price and earn more.

  • SOP for Implementation of Krishak Bandhu (Assured Income) Scheme – Clarifications

    The SOP may kindly be considered as revised to the extent mentioned in the said clarifications, in case of any conflict between the detail SOP issued earlier and the clarification being issued herewith, the latter will prevail.

  • Implementation of Krishak Bandhu (Assured Income) Scheme

    Government of West Bengal has introduced the Krishak Bandhu Scheme (KBS) to support farmers financially during pre-production stage to make agriculture profitable for the farmers and to provide them social security so that their families are not put to distress in the event of farmer’s untimely demise.

  • Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2018-2019

    Date by which bills/ Advices are to be submitted to Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Offices for which Sanction/ Allotment received upto 28.02.2019 is 08.03.2019.

  • Creation of Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Enforcement

    DRI&E is created for comprehensive approach to investigation and enforcement of tax laws for tackling the menace of tax evasion and leakage of State revenue in a more efficient and effective manner.

  • Scheme for Operation of Radio Taxi Service in West Bengal

    Operation of Air-conditioned Metered Taxi service with Radio Network in Kolkata and in other areas of the State in the interest of the customers of a different category who seek for such luxury taxi service.