Search results for: “Public Service Commission”

  • West Bengal Right to Information Rules, 2006

    Application to the State Public Information Officer shall be accompanied with a court-fee or a non-Judicial Stamp paper or by Demand Draft of rupees ten.

  • Non-Govt. Schools to Govt. Sponsored School – Conversion

    Conversion of all willing Recognised Non-Government Aided Secondary Schools (DA getting school not included) into Recognised Government Sponsored Secondary Schools.

  • Panchayat General Election in West Bengal – 8th

    The eighth Panchayat General Elections to 3-tier Panchayats will be held in this State within a short period from now. As has been assessed, around four lakhs of polling personnel will be required for smooth conduct of the above elections.

  • West Bengal Housing Board Act, 1972

    An Act to provide for the constitution of a Housing Board for West Bengal and far matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Taxation Laws (Second Amendment) and Repealing Act, 1998

    An Act to amend the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973, Rural Employment and Production Act, 1976, Entertainment-cum-Amusement Tax Act, 1982 and Sales Tax Act, 1994, and to repeal Urban Land Taxation Act, 1976 and Multi-storeyed Building Tax Act, 1979.

  • Protection of Woman against Sexual Harassment

    To depute plain clothed female police officers in the precincts of bus-stands and stops, railway stations, metro stations, cinema theatres, shopping malls, parks, beaches, public service vehicles, places of worship etc. so as to monitor and supervise incidents of eve-teasing;

  • West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005

    West Bengal Biodiversity Board will advise the State Government on all matters relating to the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of biological resources.

  • Method of Appearing Recruitment Examination conducted by PSC

    Issuance of N.O.C. in favour of incumbents applying through proper channel/ intimation from the applicants to the employer for appearing in the recruitment Examination of P.S.C., West Bengal or other organisation for the post of Assistant Engineer or else.

  • West Bengal Schools (Control of Expenditure) Act, 2005

    No school authority shall appoint any teacher in a school in contravention of the provisions of this Act, or the provisions of the West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997, or any rules.

  • West Bengal Land Allotment Policy

    The land allotted to any individual/ company/ institution etc. under the policy would be transferred to them by the Government and its parastatals by way of long term lease for a period not exceeding 99 years.