Search results for: “ST”

  • Enhancement of Contractual Remuneration of MGNREGA Employees

    Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces.

  • Appointed Hour, Commencement of Class Teaching, Daily Assembly, Late Attendance and Hour of Absence

    Late attendance shall be counted from the start of class teaching (i.e. 15 minutes after appointed hour) and up to half an hour from appointed hour and no staff will be allowed to record his or her attendance after half an hour from the appointed hour (i.e. 11.05 A.M.)

  • Public Works Department Code – an Amendment

    If upon calling for competitive tenders, the number of tenders received is less than three, the tenders shall be invited afresh. Such Re-Tender notice shall be published in widely circulated dailies for conventional NIT and also through e-Tender portal.

  • Protection of Children from Sexual Offences

    To provide for the protection of children from the offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography, while safeguarding the interests of the child at every stage of the judicial process by incorporating child-friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and speedy trial of offences through designated Special Courts.

  • Letter to Colleges regarding Absence on 20.02.13 and 21.02.13

    All the employees of his college whose absence on 20th and 21st February, 2013 have not been substantiated under any ground set forth in the Oder No. 2013-F (P) dated 06.03.2012. Action in this regard is to be completed by 31st March, 2013.

  • Letter to University regarding Absence on 20.02.13 and 21.02.13

    A detailed report may also be submitted to this Department regarding the action taken so far by the University in this behalf by 31st March, 2013.

  • Treatment of Absence of Employees on 20.02.13 and 21.02.13

    All actions in terms of this order should be completed by 31st March, 2013. Compliance report on the action taken should be sent to the Finance Department.

  • Public Notice issued by 14th Finance Commission

    The Fourteenth Finance Commission has been constituted in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution of India by the President under the Chairmanship of Dr. Y. V. Reddy, vide a Notification dated 02.01.2013.

  • Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1977

    No expenditure shall be drawn or incurred against a sanction unless funds are made available to meet the expenditure by the Controlling Officers or the administrative departments by valid appropriation or re-appropriation.

  • Clarifications of ROPA, 2009

    If promotion to higher post involves assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, a Government employee for such promotion will get the benefit of 3 percent increment in terms of Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009, even though Grade Pay of the officiating promotion post is lower than the ‘Grade Pay’ drawn…