Search results for: ” Allowance”

  • Duties, Remuneration and Leave of Para Teacher in West Bengal

    Para teachers will perform three major duties – (a) Remedial teaching (b) Child tracking (c) Teaching Learning Material (TLM) preparation for activity based learning in School.

  • West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of Service) Rules, 2001

    Every teacher shall, in the discharge of his duties, rise above all prejudices and personal and other considerations and maintain integrity, impartiality and devotion to duty.

  • Power of Managing Committee of Schools

    Power of the Managing Committee relating to Appointment, Confirmation, Suspension etc. under Rule 28 & 28A of Management of Recognized Non- Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1969.

  • 3rd Arrear of ROPA for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs

    50% of the 3rd installment of arrear due to revision of Pay Allowances will be paid to the approved teaching and non-teaching employees of recognized Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions and Madrasahs

  • 2nd Arrear of ROPA for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs

    2nd instalment of arrear Pay and Allowances will be paid to the approved teaching and non-teaching employees of recognized Non-Government Aided Sponsored Educational Institutions and Madrasahs in October, 2010.

  • Attestation by Gazetted Officers

    Group A Officer can attest documents as authorized Gazetted Officer. Group B employee on Career Advancement Scheme will not get the status of Group A Officer.

  • Regularization of Temporary Contractual Employees

    The casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers who have rendered 10 years of service continuously with at least 240 days attendance each year may remain engaged in the same status and capacity till their attaining the age of 60 years.

  • Leave Travel Concession to West Bengal Government Employees

    State Govt. employees may be allowed the benefit of leave travel concession once in service career, but the benefit may be availed of by them during the period of five years preceding the actual date of retirement on superannuation.

  • Guide to Departmental Examination Accounts – II

    Accounts Paper II (with Book) for Half Yearly Departmental Examination at Public Service Commission, West Bengal, 161A, S. P. Mukherhjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026.

  • Joining Time

    A Joining time of 12 days is admissible where the transfer necessarily involves continuous travel by road for more than 200 km as per rule 81 of WBSR – I.