Kanyashree Prakalpa is one of the most cherished schemes of the Government of West Bengal for Un-married girls of classes VIII-XII within the age group 13-18 years.
Kanyashree Prakalpa is one of the most cherished schemes of the Government of West Bengal for Un-married girls of classes VIII-XII within the age group 13-18 years.
Through this new functionality as soon as any transaction fails, it would get cancelled in IFMS automatically and the cancelled payment files would be returned to the concerned Kanyashree/ Rupashree portals without any intervention in IFMS.
All the girl-students enrolled in the regular courses of post-graduation, whether single or married, may apply for financial assistance for pursuing post graduate studies under K-3 component of the Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme, scoring at least 45% marks in Graduation.
In order to ensure that the benefit of Kanyashree Prakalpa reaches all school going girls, it has been decided to remove the family income as an eligibility criteria from Kanyashree Year 2018-19.
The students may take up any project related to Kanyashree Prakalpa as an alternative under the Project Section in their respective subjects.
Financial assistance to Kanyashree girls under Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum means Scholarship Scheme in order to encourage & incentivize them for pursuing Post Graduate studies.
Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare informed that data entry for fresh and renewal cases of Kanyashree benefits is very slow. It should be completed within 31st March, 2015.
A meeting convened by Directorate of Social Welfare i.r.o Kanyashree Prakalpo in the Conference Hall of the Department of Child Development and Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Bikash Bhavan, North Block, 10th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91 will be held on July 30, 2014.
All the heads of the institutions are requested to assign the duty to look after the Kanyashree Prakalpa to the Assistant Headmaster or any other efficient teacher preferably a senior one, if they cannot spare time and give proper attention.
Government desires that all the eligible girl beneficiaries studying in colleges and turned eighteen must be enrolled within the due time and before their nineteenth birthday so that they can continue in their endeavor.
An unmarried girl child who is 13 to 18 years old and reading in class VIII/IX/XI/XII will get annual scholarship of Rs. 750/- if annual income of her family is upto Rs. 1.2 Lac.
Annual scholarship K1 and one time grant K2 under Kanyashree have been fixed by Govt. Initially the uploading of forms was satisfactory but right now the process has been slowed down due to non availability of filled in forms.
The span of date of birth for Annual Scholarship is now from 02.10.1995 to 31.12.2000 and that for One Time Grant is from 14.04.1995 to 31.12.1995 i.r.o. Kanyashree Prakolpo. It will increase subsequently in the next month and so.