
Inclusion of Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt of Govt Revenue

Finance, 👁️ 324

Inclusion of heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by various departments through GRIPS Portal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 8425-F(Y) Dated, 14th December, 2015.


Sub: Inclusion of heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by various departments through GRIPS Portal.

In continuation of memo. No. 4168-F(Y) dt. 28.5.15, and 4630-F(Y) dt. 15.6.15 the Governor is pleased to include the heads of accounts as mentioned in the Annexure-I to this order in GRIPS Portal for on-line and off-line receipt of the related tax and non-tax revenues through all/ any of the participant bankers.

Most of the heads of accounts mentioned in the Annexure are common to all the departments of the state Government. The common heads of accounts will be inserted and linked to each and every Department in the LOV.

The Guidelines issued in this regard vide F.D notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 03.10.12, Memo. Nos. 9668-F(Y) dt. 30.11.12, 10578-F(Y) dt. 28.12.12, 5533-F(Y) dt. 09.07.13, 3435-F(Y) dt. 1.7.14, 3312-F(Y) dt. 27.4.15 and will equally apply in case of the e-receipts under the heads now added.

The Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal. If necessary, the concerned departments may arrange for awareness programme for the depositors in this regard.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 8425-F dated 14.12.2015, Source


Department-wise Heads of Accounts under which revenues can be deposited by the depositors through GRIPS Portal:-

Public Health Engineering Department

Head of AccountDescription
0215-01-102-001-14Collection from Rural Water Supply- Service Fees
0215-01-104-001-06Collection from Fees, Fines etc.- Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/Confiscation

Housing Department

Head of AccountDescription
0216-02-113-001-05Collection under Higher Income Group Housing Scheme-Rent

Irrigation & waterways Department

Head of AccountDescription
*0700-01-101-001-21Mayurakshi Irrigation Schemes- water Rate
*0700-01-102-001-21Kangsabati Irrigation Schemes- water Rate
*0700-01-103-001-21Damodar Irrigation Schemes- water Rate
*0700-01-104-001-06Teesta Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/Confiscation
*0700-01-104-001-07Teesta Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Interest
*0700-01-104-001-17Teesta Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Sale Proceeds
*0700-01-104-001-21Teesta Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Water Rate
*0700-01-105-001-06Subarnarekha Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/Confiscation
*0700-01-105-001-07Subarnarekha Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Interest
*0700-01-105-001-17Subarnarekha Barrage Irrigation Schemes- Sale Proceeds
*0700-01-105-001-21Subarnarekha Barrage Irrigation Schemes-
Water Rate

*These new detailed Heads of irrigation & Waterways Department under existing Major/Sub-Major/Minor/Sub-Heads have been accorded post-facto approval by A.G.(A&E), West Bengal, vide U.O. Case no. A.M.-I/30 dated 29.09.2015.

Fire & Emergency Services

Head of AccountDescription
0070-60-109-002-27Receipt from the GOI for purchase of equipments for fire station at Falta Export Processing Zone-other Receipts
0070-60-106-006-27Other items-Other Receipts

Food & Supplies Department

Head of AccountDescription
0408-00-800-002-27other Items-Other Receipts

Common to all the Departments

Head of AccountDescription
0070-60-115-001-27Staging Bungalow Receipts-Other Receipts
0070-60-800-003-12Leave Salary Contribution of Officers Lent foreign Services-Registration Fees
0070-60-800-003-28Leave Salary Contribution of Officers Lent foreign Services-Leave Salary Contribution
0070-60-800-004-10Recoveries of over payment-Recoveries
0070-60-800-010-27Refund under the Minor Head- 800-0ther Receipts
0070-60-800-011-27Leaves Contribution of officers lent to Foreign Service-Other Receipts
0070-60-800-013-17Receipts on Sale of Tender Document-Sale Proceeds
0070-60-800-013-27Receipts on Sale of Tender Document-Other Receipts
0070-60-800-014-17Reimbursement on account of expenditure for facilities-Sale Proceeds
0070-60-800-014-23Reimbursement on account of expenditure for facilities-Reimbursement/ Grants-in-aid from