Merit-cum-Means Scholarship for Minority Students, 2013-14

West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
(A Statutory Corporation of Govt. of West Bengal)
An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Organization

The West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation invites online applications from meritorious students belonging to Minority Communities (i.e. Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh and Parsee) who are pursuing Technical/Professional Courses at Under Graduate/ Post Graduate level in recognized Institutions under recognized Universities of West Bengal and other recognized Universities of other states of India. The site can be accessed through the URL A link to the site is also available in the website and A list of the eligible courses is given at the above websites.

The Eligibility Criteria are as follows:

  1. He/ She must be the citizen of India and domicile of West Bengal.
  2. His/ Her annual family income should not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh.
  3. He/ She should have obtained minimum 50% marks in the last final examination of the Board/ University.
  4. His/ Her age should be between 16 to 32 years as on 1st April 2013.

General Terms & Conditions:

1. He/ She may get full Course Fee in case of Listed Institutions like- IIT, IIM, NIT etc. (as per list of 85 institutes available in website).

2. He/ She may get Scholarship upto Rs. 30,000/-(ie. Actual Course Fee or Rs. 20,000/- per annum, whichever is less and Maintenance Allowance upto Rs. 10,000/- for Hosteller/ Rs. 5000/- for Day Scholar) per year for the Institutions other than Listed Institutions.

3. The eligible students are to apply Online at and after finalization submit the same to their Institutions along with the supportive documents.

4. After submission of Online Applications, the students are required to submit duly signed printed version of their online applications along with all supportive documents to their respective institutes.

5. Timeline for Fresh & Renewal MCM Scholarship 2013-14:-

Sl. No.ActivitiesFreshRenewal
1.Last date for submission of Online Applications for Fresh/Renewal Scholarship by the students.30th September 201331st December 2013
2.Last date for submission of duly signed printed version of Online Applications along with all supportive documents to their respective institutes.10th October 201310th January 2014
3.Last date for scrutiny of Online Applications by the institutes. The institute will submit the hardcopy of the online applications duly verified to M.D. WBMDFC.20th October 201315th January 2014

6. Additional documents are to be attached with the hardcopy of Online Applications:-

a) Photocopy of applicant’s bank passbook containing name and CBS a/c no., bank branch name.
b) One CANCELLED CTS Cheque leaf.

7. The institute is to submit the hardcopy of online application along with the supportive documents to the Managing Director, WBMDFC, ‘AMBER’, DD-27/E, SALT LAKE CITY, SEC-I, KOLKATA-700064.

8. 30% Scholarship has been kept reserved for the Girl Students.

9. N.B:

i) For Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) filling of AADHAAR Number in the application form for scholarship (Fresh & Renewal cases) is mandatory for the students whose permanent addresses are in Howrah or Coach Behar district. Details of CBS Bank Account where AADHAAR number is mapped should be filled in the online application form.

ii) It is to be noted that without receipt of hard copy with relevant documents, the applications are likely to be rejected.

iii) Mobile number given to the Online Application shall not be changed till obtaining the facility of Scholarship.

iv) Once finalised the Online Application student could not change/modify the details.

Sd/- Managing Director

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