Governor is pleased to decide that the following guidelines shall be followed in the matter of revision of gratuity payable to the employees of those organizations.
Introduction of Submission of Life Certificate from Home by using only a Smartphone through Face Authentication for the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Drawing Pension from Treasuries of West Bengal.
Section/ Group creation within Office and tagging of employees with Section; Creation of HRMS ID for retired employees; Legal heir entry for a deceased/ missing employee; Availability of database of deputed employees for modification; Introduction of Workflow for Leave.
Guidelines for "Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module" in WBIFMS for Provident Fund maintenance in Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Bodies and other similar institutions.
If any enhancement of the value of the contract is required due to change of GST rate from 12% to 18% with effect from 18.07.2022, the respective authority may ask for a self-declaration from the concerned contractor.
The cost of AMC / CMC to be executed is within 10% of the cost of procurement of this equipment (including cost of installation).