Search results for: “RESULT”

  • Guideline for Preparedness on H1N1 Influenza in Govt Sector

    At present there is no need to start separate influenza OPD for screening of patients. The screening is to be done at general OPD till further direction. Patient who need to undergo swab collection: Patient with high fever (101.4°) & severe sore throat. There may or may not be other associated symptoms like diarrhoea, vomiting,…

  • Duty Hours of Medical Officers, Staffs providing Patient Care Service

    Governor is pleased to authorize the Superintendent of the different hospitals to adjust the hours of duty of Medical Officers of their institutions on specified days in the week or by rotation to run the indoor and other services on Sundays/notified holidays. On such holidays the indoor, emergency and other services will be provided through…

  • Exempted Categories under West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment Act, 1999

    A near relation of the deceased employee may be considered for employment on compassionate ground only when the son/ daughter/ wife of the deceased employee cannot be considered for employment owing to minor age or oilier disabilities.

  • West Bengal School Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 2008

    Any appointment of a Teacher or a non-teaching staff made on or after the commencement of this Act in contravention of the provisions of this Act shall be invalid and shall have no effect and the teacher or the non-teaching staff so appointed shall not be a Teacher or a non-teaching staff within the meaning…

  • Departmental Promotion in West Bengal Medical Education Service, 2013

    Eligible Medical Teachers of the WBMES are required to apply for departmental promotion in different disciplines of WBMES as per the instructions and schedule annexed here with for departmental promotion to the higher academic posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.

  • National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award, 2013

    The nurse who has a regular job but in times of emergency of crisis such as accident, fire, flood or famine, which may occur at any time, performs in a heroic manner without regard to her/his own time, safety and/or possessions.

  • Annual Examination of Class XI, 2013 conducted by WBCHSE

    Normal classes will not be held during the period of examinations mentioned above, so that all teachers of all the schools may be utilized for the purpose of invigilation and Examination works.

  • West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005

    West Bengal Biodiversity Board will advise the State Government on all matters relating to the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of biological resources.

  • Programme of Pay & Accounts Office for Closing of F.Y. 2012-13

    Bills returned after 04.02.2013 but within 14.03.2013 shall be resubmitted within 7 days from the dale of return and the bills returned between 15th & 22nd March shall be resubmitted within 25.03.2013.

  • Programme of Treasury for Closing of Financial Year 2012-13

    To ensure speedy and timely disposal of the Bills and for proper checking and correct booking of all the transactions of this financial year by 28th March, 2013.