Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.
Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.
Procurement of spare parts and other essential service support like Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)/ Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC), including consumables for closed systems, from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) or their authorized agents, shall be exempted.
Government of India has imposed certain restrictions as per which any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in any procurement whether of goods, services or works only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority.
It is decided that the performance security for all existing contracts or the contracts which will be entered into within 31.12.2021 shall be reduced to 3% from the existing 10%.
All the Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders of different offices under the control of Irrigation & Waterways Dept. shall be published in the newspapers centrally through the office of the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell.
Restoration of damages through usual process by e-tender in compliance of West Bengal Financial Rules since amended in terms of Finance Department No. 5400-F dated 25.06.2012 frustrates the very purpose of emergency.
It is mandatory to publish all NIT/ e-NIT/ e-NIQ in the centralised e-tender portal http://wbtenders.gov.in and also on Departmental website www.wbiwd.gov.in.
Requisitioning departments to decide the acceptance of tender or decision of re-tendering and other related issues, once tenders are finalised by PWD Engineering Officers since administrative approval and financial sanction for the project/ scheme is originally accorded by the Department concerned.
I & CA Department is accepting requisition of different authorities of State Government offices and taking regular action to release those advertisements for necessary publication.
The subordinate office will provide the following two certificates on the body of the bill to prevent false payment and to avoid duplicate payment.
Procurement may be undertaken under Rule 47(14) of West Bengal Financial Rules from more than one source simultaneously if the entire quantity required is not available or not immediately available from one source. Such procurement may be made at different rates, if unavoidable.
Administrative Department will centrally invite tender and engage agency for providing similar and homogeneous services to all the subordinate offices under their control.
Works/ Schemes/ Projects/ Procurements, which have been split to avoid the approval of the appropriate authorities and/or laid down tender norms, no payment should be released before the examination of the same by the Finance Department.