
Search Results for “RTE”

Prior Permission is mandated for Visit of State Headquarters

Field officers are visiting Kolkata on very small issues and without prior written approval of the controlling officer. Due to such frequent absence of officers from the field, the quality and timely execution of work suffers.

Eligibility of Group-C Employee on Probation for Govt Quarter

As the Group-C Employee on Probation period is allowed only Basic Pay (including G.P.) and M. A. or only Basic Pay, he/she is not entitled to the occupation of any Govt accommodation.

Managing Committee of Schools converted into Govt. Sponsored

The Managing Committee existed for the aided school on 30.09.2013 will continue and act for the sponsored school till the new committee is formed under the rule of Sponsored Schools.

Permission for Co-Education in School as per RTE Act, 2009

Heads of the Secondary Institutions recognized by the Board in West Bengal are informed that the Circular issued by WBBSE vide memo No. N/S/192 dated 01.02.2013 is hereby withdrawn.

Submission of Quarterly Expenditure Report on Status of Scheme

Finance Department has now developed a software for capturing Quarterly Expenditure Report for schemes which are being executed under the State Plan by the administrative departments.

District Inspector of School as Grievance Redressal Authority – RTE

District Inspectors of Schools (Primary Education) and (Secondary Education) are appointed as grievance redressal authority to dispose of the complaints on violations of various provisions of RTE Act in respect of Primary Education (i.e. from class – I to class – IV) and Upper Primary Level of education (class – V to class – VIII) respectively.

Permission for Co-Education in School in light of RTE Act, 2009

It has certainly lost its relevance in the light of the fact that no child should be denied admission to schools irrespective of his/ her caste, creed or gender.
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