It will be mandatory for all the departments of the State Government to collect their tax & non-tax revenue only through GRIPS with effect from 01.07.2015.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 4630-F(Y) Dated, 15th June, 2015.
Sub: Inclusion of heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by various departments through GRIPS Portal
In continuation of memo. No. 4168-F(Y) dt. 28.5.15, the Governor is pleased to include the heads of accounts as mentioned in the Annexure-I to this order in GRIPS Portal for on-line and offline receipt of the related tax and non-tax revenues through all/ any of the participant bankers.
The Guidelines issued in this regard vide F.D notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 03.10.12, Memo. Nos. 9668-F(Y) dt. 30.11.12, 10578-F(Y) dt. 28.12.12, 5533-F(Y) dt. 09.07.13, 3435-F(Y) dt. 1.7.14, 3312-F(Y) dt. 27.4.15 and will equally apply in case of the e-receipts under the heads now added.
The Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal. If necessary, the concerned departments may arrange for awareness programme for the depositors in this regard.
It will be mandatory for all the departments of the State Government to collect their tax & non-tax revenue only through GRIPS with effect from 01.07.2015 in terms of Chief Secretary’s letter no 79(60)-CS/2015 dt. 16.5.2015.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.
No. 4630-F dated 15.06.2015, Source
Annexure to FD memo. no. 4630-F(Y) dt. 15.6.2015
Heads of accounts to be included in GRIPS Portal
Head of Accounts | Description |
0030-01-101-001-16 | Court fees on Judicial Stamps-Other Fees |
0030-01-102-001-17 | Judicial Stamps Other than Court fees-Sale Proceeds |
0030-01-800-001-06 | Other Items-Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/Confiscation |
0030-02-102-001-01 | Stamp duties on Bills of Exchange or Hundi Stamps-Share of Central Taxes/Duties |
0030-02-102-001-03 | Stamp duties on Bills of Exchange or Hundi Stamps-Taxes |
0030-02-102-002-01 | Stamp duties on Foreign Bills Stamps- Share of Central Taxes/Duties |
0030-02-102-002-02 | Stamp duties on Foreign Bills Stamps- Duty |
0030-02-102-002-03 | Stamp duties on Foreign Bills Stamps-Taxes |
0030-02-102-004-17 | Sale of Other Non-Judicial New Revenue Stamps-Sale Proceeds |
0030-02-102-005-01 | Sale of Other Non-Judicial Stamps-Share of Central Taxes/Duties |
0030-02-102-005-17 | Sale of Other Non-Judicial Stamps-Sale Proceeds |
0030-02-102-006-17 | Receipts on account of loss of Non-Judicial Stamps -Written off-Sale Proceeds |
0030-02-102-007-17 | Sale of Other Non-Judicial Stamps in the manner of Serialised Authenticated Bank Receipts (SABR)-Sale Proceeds |
0030-02-102-008-16 | Receipts on account of Standard User Charges-Other Fees |
0030-02-102-008-17 | Receipts on account of Standard User Charges-Sale Proceeds |
0030-02-103-001-02 | Other Items-Duty |
0030-02-103-001-03 | Other Items-Taxes |
0030-02-103-001-04 | Other Items- Surcharge |
0030-02-103-004-02 | Other items-Duty |
0030-02-103-005-02 | Duty recovered under Rules 8 & 11 of the Indian Stamps Act of 1925-Duty |
0030-02-800-001-06 | Other Items-Fines/ Forfeitures/ Penalties/ Confiscation |
0030-02-800-001-27 | Other Items-Other Receipts |
0030-02-800-002-06 | Other Items-Fines/ Forfeitures/ Penalties/ Confiscation |
0030-02-800-002-27 | Other Items-Other Receipts |
0030-03-800-002-27 | Receipts realised from Works- Other Receipts |
0030-03-800-003-27 | Other Items-Other Receipts |
0030-03-800-005-27 | Other Items-Other Receipts |
0030-03-800-006-27 | Recoveries from the Calcutta and the Howrah Improvement Trust on account of establishment etc.-Other Receipts |
Land & Land Reforms
Head of Accounts | Description |
0029-00-101-004-08 | Collection of Revenue under the Calcutta Thika Tenancy-Cess |
0029-00-101-007-05 | Surcharge on Land Revenue under Rural Employment and Production-Rent |
0029-00-101-007-08 | Surcharge on Land Revenue under Rural Employment and Production-Cess |
0029-00-101-011-05 | Receipts from Haldia Energy Limited-Rent |
0029-00-101-012-05 | Receipt of Premium and Rent against Lease of Thika Land-Rent |
0029-00-101-013-13 | Penalty amount for Thika Tenant-Licence Fees |
0029-00-101-014-06 | Licence Fee from Licence Bharatias-Fines/ Forfeitures/ Penalties/ Confiscation |
0029-00-101-015-16 | Application fee towards N.O.C. Including provisional N.O.C-Other Fees |
0029-00-101-016-33 | Payment of Compensation amount towards Resumption of Thika Lands-Payment |
0029-00-103-004-09 | Rural Employment Cess Other than Tea Estates and Coal Mines-Royalities |
0029-00-103-004-16 | Rural Employment Cess Other than Tea Estates and Coal Mines-Other Fees |
0029-00-103-006-06 | Rural Employment Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in Cash)-Fines/ Forfeitures/ Penalties/ Confiscation |
0029-00-103-006-07 | Rural Employment Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in Cash)-Interest |
0029-00-103-006-16 | Rural Employment Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in Cash)-Other Fees |
0029-00-103-007-08 | Receipt by way of adjustment against coal dues of power utilities-Cess |
0029-00-103-008-06 | Education Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in cash)-Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/ Confiscation |
0029-00-103-008-07 | Education Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in cash)-Interest |
0029-00-103-008-16 | Education Cess on Coal Mines (Receipt in cash)-Other Fees |
0029-00-103-011-08 | Receipt by way of adjustment against coal dues of power utilities-Cess |
0029-00-103-012-08 | Public Works Cess on riverbed materials collected by Irrigation &Waterways Department-Cess |
0029-00-103-013-08 | Road Cess on riverbed materials collected by Irrigation & Waterways Department- Cess |
0029-00-103-014-08 | Rural Employment Cess on riverbed materials collected |
0029-00-103-015-08 | Primary Education Cess on riverbed materials collected by Irrigation & Waterways Department-Cess |
0029-00-104-003-27 | Collection from Sariati Interest (e.g. Fisheries, Ferries, etc.)-Other Receipts |
0029-00-104-004-30 | Recoveries of Cost of Collection of the Ex-intermediaries- Lease Rent/Salami |
0029-00-104-005-27 | Receipts from Murshidabad Estates-Other Receipts |
0029-00-104-007-09 | Collection of royalties from river bed materials by Irrigation and Waterways Department-Royalties |
0029-00-105-001-08 | Receipts from sale of Government Estates-Cess |
0029-00-106-001-14 | Receipts on account of Survey and Settlement operations- Service Fees |
0029-00-800-006-08 | Miscellaneous receipts not connected with Government Estates-Cess |
0029-00-800-006-14 | Miscellaneous receipts not connected with Government Estates-Service Fees |
0029-00-800-006-27 | Miscellaneous receipts not connected with Government Estates-Other Receipts |
0029-00-800-009-08 | Fixed Cost of Cess Deputy Collector Pay-Cess |
0029-00-800-009-14 | Fixed Cost of Cess Deputy Collector Pay-Service Fees |
0029-00-800-009-27 | Fixed Cost of Cess Deputy Collector Pay-Other Receipts |
0029-00-800-026-27 | Receipts from Government of India for Construction Repairing works of boundary pillars in West Bengal-Other Receipts |