
Inclusion of Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS


Heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by Commerce & Industries Department and Irrigation & Waterways Department through GRIPS Portal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 873-F(Y) Dated, 16th February, 2016.


Sub: Inclusion of heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by various departments through GRIPS Portal

In continuation of memo. No. 4168-F(Y) dt. 28.5.15, 4630-F(Y) dt. 15.6.15 and 8425-F(Y) dt. 14.12.15 the Governor is pleased to include the heads of accounts as mentioned in the Annexure-I to this order in GRIPS Portal for on-line and off-line receipt of the related tax and non-tax revenues through all/ any of the participant bankers.

The Guidelines issued in this regard vide F.D notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 03.10.12, Memo. Nos. 9668-F(Y) dt. 30.11.12, 10578-F(Y) dt. 28.12.12, 5533-F(Y) dt. 09.07.13, 3435-F(Y) dt. 1.7.14, 3312-F(Y) dt. 27.4.15 and will equally apply in case of the e-receipts under the heads now added.

The Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal. If necessary, the concerned departments may arrange for awareness programme for the depositors in this regard.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.


Department-wise Heads of Accounts under which revenues can be deposited by the depositors through GRIPS Portal:-

Commerce & Industries Department

Head of AccountDescription
*4000-03-190-002-17Cost of Equity Holding of Haldia Petro Chemicals Limited-Sale Proceeds

* A new scheme ‘002-Cost of Equity Holding of Haldia Petro Chemicals Limited’ with detailed head 17 subordinate to ‘4000-03-190’ subject to post-facto approval of Principal AGWB, Vide U.O. no. 2636, U.O. date. 31/12/2015 of Finance Department, Group N-Budget Branch.

Irrigation & Waterways Department

Head of AccountDescription
**0701-04-700-003-05Other Items-Rent
**0701-04-700-003-06Other Items- Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties/Confiscation
**0701-04-700-003-07Other Items-lnterest
**0701-04-700-003-17Other Items-Sale Proceeds
**0701-04-700-003-21Other Items-Water Rate

** These new detailed Heads of Irrigation & Waterways Department under existing Major/Sub-Major/Minor/Sub-Heads have been accorded post-facto approval by A.G.(A&E), West Bengal, vide U.O. Case no. A.M.-I/30 dated 29.09.2015, and also vide corrigendum no. Budget/2-1/76 dated. 22.01.2016 of Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.

No. 873-F dated 16.02.2016, Source