Search results for: “ST”

  • Special Vigil on Mid Day Meal Scheme in Summer

    Special attention should be given on hygiene. You have to make sure that the Cooks and Teachers taste the Mid Day Meal before feeding the children and no contamination occurs in the food.

  • New Designation and Office of DDOs in PWD Electrical and Mechanical

    Governor is pleased to accept the change of designation and office of the DDOs from the existing name to the new names mentioned below. Departmental authorities will obtain DDO codes from the Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts Government of West Bengal.

  • Short Inspection of Police Units

    Supervisory Officer shall make a short Inspection of any one facet of the Police Station working such as pending UD cases, pending complaints, pending W/A, crime, maintenance of any particular Register etc.

  • Allotment of Plan and Non-Plan Fund upto July 2014

    Vote-on-Account Budget of the State Government for the first four months of 2014-2015 has been passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation (Vote-on-Account) Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments.

  • Delegation of Financial Power to 15 Departments

    The Administrative Departments will be required to take a written confirmation direct from the Finance Department, Budget Branch (Group-N) that the Central Share has been credited to the State Exchequer.

  • Rules regarding the Auction Sale of Government Properties

    Executive Engineer concerned shall arrange for the sale of Government properties by public auction for and on behalf of the Governor. Under no circumstances shall any Government property be disposed of by private arrangement.

  • Implementation of Suo Motu disclosure under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005

    No suo motu disclosure under R T I Act is made. Copy of Circulars/ Orders issued from Audit Branch are sent to R.T.I. Cell. However, it will be sent to the concerned Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary of Finance Department for uploading in the Departmental Website.

  • Opening Office on Holidays due to Election Work

    Serviceing of appointment letters to the staff who will perform poll duty on 12th May, 2014 and to open office even on holidays with certain number of staff so that such type of appointment letter may be serve to office as an when required.

  • Submission of 24G/ 24Q/ 26Q by TOs and DDOs within 31.03.2014

    All the DDO’s/ Cheque drawing officers of Works and Forest Dptts./ Treasury officers and departmental authorities are requested file returns within 31.3.2014 and thus be relieved of the fines and penalties already imposed by the IT authority.

  • Norms for Engagement of MDM Cook-cum-Helpers

    Cook-cum-helpers are engaged to cook meals in eligible primary and upper primary schools and serve the hot cooked meals to the students at noon. They are engaged on the basis of number of students enrolled in schools.