
Finance Department – Archive upto 1998

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal since 1965 to 1998.

7571-F dt. 02.11.1998Special Pay as Additional Remuneration
654-F dt. 08.06.1998Weightage of 5 years under rule 27 reduced to 3 years
653-F dt. 08.06.1998Direction to return authority in respect of C.V.P. gratuity, pension etc.
652-F dt. 08.06.1998Direction to PSA regarding change of superannuation age
651-F dt. 08.06.1998Direction to PSA reg. consequential change of superannuation age
4-CAB dt. 22.06.1998
5276-F dt. 20.07.1998
Re-employment of Retired Person – Principles
4514-F dt. 16.06.1998Rates of D.A. outside West Bengal and a list of Cities/ Areas for D.A.
634-F dt. 05.06.1998Enhancement of superannuation age from 58 to 60 years
453-F dt. 21.05.1998Guideline of allotment of rental flat to Govt. employee of Housing Dte.
3830-F dt. 15.05.1998Retirement age (Superannuation) enhanced to 60 years
256-F dt. 03.03.1998Clarification on 1315-F dt. 14.10.96 where pension paid in other State
255-F dt. 03.03.1998Clarification on 1315-F dt. 14.10.1996
1410-F dt. 12.11.1997Pensionary benefits to children from void or voidable marriages
1222-F dt. 02.09.1997Amendment in Single Comprehensive Form
1221-F dt. 02.09.1997Instruction on 1315-F dt. 14.10.1996
998-F dt. 22.07.1997Clarification and Amendment of 1315-F dt. 14.10.1996
890-F dt. 25.06.1997Pensionary Benefit on the Date of Superannuation
3637-F dt. 21.04.1997Final payment of GPF of a deceased subscriber having no family
530-P dt. 01.04.1997Interim Relief to State Govt. pensioners @ 10% or Rs. 50/- p.m.
600-Home dt. 25.03.1997Printing of Forms for Election
492-F dt. 21.03.1997Checking of Initial Pay Fixation on or after 31.08.97 retirement
305-F dt. 20.02.1997Regarding advance application for commutation
54-F dt. 13.01.1997Substitution of ‘Note’ below rule 104
1550-F dt. 17.12.1996Monitoring of the new scheme of pension procedure
1315-F dt. 14.10.1996Payment of Pension and Gratuity on the Date of Superannuation
1313-F dt. 10.10.1996Minor rectification in Memo. No. 1240-F dt. 11.09.1996
1296-F dt. 30.09.1996Clarification on Memo. No. 951-F dt. 19.07.1995
1240-F dt. 11.09.1996Pension etc. will be calculated on the basis of notional pay
815-F dt. 01.07.1996A minor clarification on ex-gratia
5703-F dt. 17.06.1996Journey at Silverjet
3132-F dt. 20.03.1996Purchase of Books etc.
194-F dt. 22.02.1996Winter Relief and Hill Compensatory Relief for Darjeeling
107-F dt. 22.01.1996Clarification of Memo. No. 1465-F dt. 15.11.1995
11722-F dt. 23.11.1995Final payment of GPF of a deceased subscriber having no family
1474-F dt. 16.11.1995Interim Relief to State Govt. pensioners w.ef. 01.12.1995
1465-F dt. 15.11.1995Additional amount for calculation of gratuity and raising of ceiling
DT-1386 dt. 12.09.1995Conversion of refundable into Non-refundable advance of GPF
977-F dt. 27.07.1995Pension to judicially separated widower or widow
959-F dt. 20.07.1995Govt. Employee who died before completion of 1 year service
951-F dt. 19.07.1995No. 7091-F dt. 19.07.86 to apply in Central Govt. Undertakings also
769-F dt. 13.07.1995Commuted Leave to teaching and non-teaching employee
747-F dt. 01.06.1995Introduction of Single Comprehensive Form
5225-F dt. 17.05.1995Confirmation and Lien in West Bengal Government Service
604-F dt. 02.05.1995Pensionary benefits for promotees in Secretariat Common Cadre
4189-F dt. 13.04.1995Unauthorised GPF Subscription due to increase of pay middle of year
3776-F dt. 30.03.1995Confirmation in Government Service
2113-F dt. 23.02.1995Supply of Tiffin Packet in the meeting
29-O&M dt. 20.02.1995Supply of Newspaper to Minister and Secretary
329-F dt. 15.02.1995Wife who fled away with another person and get re-married
323-F dt. 13.02.1995Raising of income ceiling for ‘dependent parents’
775-F dt. 20.01.1995Benefit to Scale No. 16 holding Teaching and allied Post
113-F dt. 11.01.1995Consultation with P.S.C., WB is dispensed
10797-F dt. 15.11.1994Payment of GPF to family members of a disappeared employee
10493-F dt. 04.11.1994Changing in the surname of the Government servant
1557-F dt. 22.09.1994Principle of fixation of Pay on appointment after Retirement
6871-F dt. 01.07.1994Counting of Service of Work Charged employee of C.A.S.
FM/FP/3 dt. 28.06.1994Procedure for payment of GPF-Final payment
960-F dt. 27.01.1994Pay Protection of West Bengal Govt. Employees
706-F dt. 19.01.1994Fixation of Pay in case of Stagnation Increment
13387-F dt. 21.12.199390% onetime withdrawal within 12 months before retirement
13325-F dt. 17.12.1993Non-payment certificate against lost Cheque
13128-F dt. 14.12.1993Sanction of Temporary advance/ Non-refundable advance
12834-F dt. 06.12.1993Interest on subscription deducted from Arrear pay Bill
12139-F dt. 16.11.1993Sanction of Temporary advance/ Non-refundable advance of WBCS
11830-F dt. 05.11.1993Non-refundable advance
FM/07 dt. 21.09.1993Adjustment of missing credit on collateral evidence
10959-F dt. 28.09.1993Non-refundable advance constituted service
10471-F dt. 06.09.1993Power of Collector
1840-F dt. 06.08.1993HRA of P.W.D. staff residing at P.W.D. Mess.
24/930 dt. 28.06.1993Financial power of Jt. Director of Treasuries
6163-F dt. 28.05.1993Payment of part-time sweeper
HRA/647 dt. 21.05.1993HRA – Circuit House, Dak Bungalow, Inspection Bungalow
5673-F dt. 14.05.1993Clarification of H.R.A.
4970-F dt. 26.04.1993A.C.R. Rating of Gr.-A posts
764-F dt. 26.04.1993Waving of outstanding balance of House Building Advance
2652-F dt. 09.03.1993Date of Superannuation Falls on Holiday
400-F dt. 08.01.1993Amendment of S. R. 174
8460-F dt. 11.08.1992Fixation of Pay of Executive Engineers
5413-F dt. 14.05.1992Quoting the salary head of account in the loan and advance bill
4406-F dt. 21.04.1992Item No. 6 of DFPR reg. purchase of books and periodicals
3047-F dt. 13.03.1992Correction of head of account by T.O.
2192-F dt. 27.02.1992Clarification of H. R. A.
1021-F dt. 30.01.1992Fixation of Pay with examples
427-F dt. 10.01.1992Consolidation T. A. Bill
12213-F dt. 27.12.1991Clarification of H. R. A.
6122-F dt. 01.07.1991Funeral Expenses to the Family Member of Deceased Employee
5962-F dt. 25.06.1991Clarifications of CAS
5961-F dt. 25.06.1991Clarifications of CAS
5603-F dt. 14.06.1991Supply of Cash Book
3242-F dt. 06.04.1991Financial Sanction
10174-F dt. 29.10.1990Clarification of H. R. A.
9735-F dt. 10.10.1990Clarifications of CAS
8700-F dt. 28.08.1990Date of superannuation falls on Sunday – handing over charge
5577-F dt. 08.06.1990Payment more than Rs. 2500 by Account Payee Cheque
6213-F dt. 22.06.1990Drawal of Transfer T. A.
6075-F dt. 21.06.1990Career Advancement Scheme
5508-F dt. 07.06.1990H.R.A. residing at LIG/MIG/HIG Housing Estate
5253-F dt. 31.05.1990Rounding of Financial Transactions in nearest whole rupee
4159-F dt. 26.04.1990Restoration of Commutation/ Additional Commutation
2936-F dt. 31.03.1990Clarification of certain points regarding drawal of HRA.
2388-F dt. 09.03.1990Retention of Heavy Cash Balance in Office
13490-F dt. 11.12.1989Clarification of S. R. 96
11464-F dt. 18.10.1989Countersigned in bill as a proof of sanction
100-O&M dt. 22.05.1989Supply of Liveries to Gr. D Staff.
3241-F dt. 18.03.1989Recovery of over payment of GPF along with interest
1934-F dt. 23.02.1989Passing of Sub-vouchers
1407-F dt. 09.02.1989Drawal and recovery of GPF. and loans of Work-Charged employee
11160-F dt. 29.10.1988Maintenance of G.P.F. account of Gr. โ€˜Dโ€™ employee
10253-F dt. 29.09.1988Counting past service rendered by a temporary staff
DTA/2742 dt. 19.09.1988Recovery of GPF in old account till Account Number allotted by AG
4420-F dt. 19.04.1988Sanction of Permanent advance minimum Rs. 200
12066-F dt. 07.11.1987Fixation of the pay of the post of Stenographer
2753-F dt. 13.03.1987Demand draft for outstation payment and clarification of outstation
14/86/TA dt. 17.11.1986Adjustment of Pay and T. A. advance (Inter Govt. settlement)
1027-F dt. 27.02.1986Adjust of Pay and T.A. advance
1899-F dt. 27.02.1986Payment of Contractors and others by A/c payee Cheque
10060-F dt. 22.11.1985Payment of Pension and Gratuity on the Date of Retirement
8555-F dt. 18.09.1985Statement of Promotion Policy of Engineers
82-O&M dt. 17.06.1985Supply of Liveries to Gr. D Staff
3797-F dt. 20.04.1985Payment of Arrear Claim (in place of pre-audit)
10670-F dt. 16.10.1984Disturbance in Government Office during Office Hours
10668-F dt. 16.10.1984Mode of deduction of subscribers for foreign service
8313-F dt. 23.07.1984Refund of Employerโ€™s Share towards CPF to avail Pension
6038-F dt. 22.05.1984Compensatory House Rent Allowance
3856-F dt. 31.03.1984WB Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of DS/ AS) Rules, 1984
3855-F dt. 31.03.1984West Bengal Services Secretariat Common Cadres Rules, 1984
5916-F dt. 05.08.1981Statement on Promotion Policy
941-FT dt. 07.03.1981Exemption of P. Tax for Physically Handicapped Persons
4287-F dt. 28.04.1980Amendment to GPF Rule
6060-F dt. 25.06.1979W.B. Services Appointment, Probation and Confirmation Rules
Nil dated 18.04.1979West Bengal Finance Rules
9751-F dt. 17.11.1977Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1977
2725-F dt. 20.05.1975Simplification of accounting system of G.P.F. advance
4804-F dt. 17.08.1972Revised procedure for final payment
5827-F dt. 01.12.1971West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971
5292-F dt 15.10.1971West Bengal Service Rules – II
3857-F dt. 15.08.1971West Bengal Service Rules – I
2018-F dt. 16.04.1971West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971
1114-F dt. 04.04.1966Change of Surname Procedure
6116-F dt. 23.12.1965Non-refundable Advance

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