An Act to provide for the security of service of teachers of affiliated, constituent and Government Sponsored Colleges in West Bengal.
An Act to provide for the constitution of a College Service Commission in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The deputationists who are drawing pay in their respective cadre post i.e. who have opted to draw grade pay of their parent department’s scale, may opt to come under the revised pay structure and their parent department will accordingly fix their pay under ROPA ’09.
The touring officials, may please check availability of discounted air-tickets, while booking their air tickets for official journeys or check the same from the internet directly for the airlines concerned in case of direct booking.
In such cases the overdrawal for the period from 01-01-2008 to 31-03-2008 shall be recovered with reference to unrevised pay drawn prior to 01-04-2008 as in the said period pay under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 2009 is notional.
The Scale of pay of Bengali Translator was revised from Scale No. 10 i.e. Rs. 1390 – 2970/- to Scale No. 12 i.e. Rs. 4800-10925/- w.e.f. 1.1.96 notionally actual benefit from 1.1.2007 vide this Department’s Order No. 548-ICA dt. 27.2.09.
Decentralisation of the work relating to fixation of pay of the officers of the erstwhile West Bengal Junior Audit & Accounts Service which has since been merged with the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service w.e.f. 01.04.1981.
The Revenue inspector who was in service as such on 31.12.1995 may exercise option to come under revised scale as is allowed vide F.D. Memo No. 766-F, dated 27.01.2009 w.e.f. any date between 01.01.1996 and 01.01.1997.
All proposals for re-employment, where special reasons exist, have to be sent with detailed justification, to the Cabinet Secretariat at least three months in advance.
Form of West Bengal Health Scheme, General Provident Fund, Nomination, Earned Leave, Assets Statement Report, Annual Confidential Report, Open Performance Report, Annual Performance Report, Life Certificate.
WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force.
Service rules and provisions applicable for Contractual whole time teachers (CWTTs) of State Aided non-Government colleges provided they possess qualification of such posts.