
Some more Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS

Finance, 👁️ 328

Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5074-F(Y) Dated, 30th June, 2015.


Sub: Inclusion of some more heads of accounts for e-receipt of Government tax and non-tax revenue administered by various departments through GRIPS Portal

In continuation of memo. No. 4168-F(Y) dt. 28.5.15, and 4630-F(Y) dt. 15.6.15 the Governor is pleased to include the heads of accounts as mentioned in the Annexure to this order in GRIPS Portal for on-line and off-line receipt of the related tax and non-tax revenues through all/ any of the participant bankers.

The Guidelines issued in this regard vide F.D notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 03.10.12, Memo. Nos. 9668-F(Y) dt. 30.11.12, 10578-F(Y) dt. 28.12.12, 5533-F(Y) dt. 09.07.13, 3435-F(Y) dt. 1.7.14, 3312-F(Y) dt. 27.4.15, 4168-F(Y) dt. 28.5.15, and 4630-F(Y) dt. 15.6.15 will equally apply in case of the e-receipts under the heads now added.

The Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal. If necessary, the concerned departments may arrange for awareness programme for the depositors in this regard.

It will be mandatory for all the departments of the State Government to collect their tax & nontax revenue only through GRIPS with effect from 01.07.2015 in terms of Chief Secretary’s letter no 79(60)-CS/2015 dt. 16.5.2015.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Government of West Bengal.

Annexure to FD memo. No. 5074-F(Y) dt. 30.6.15

Housing Department

Receipt Head of AccountDescription
0216-02-800-002-27Collection from other items-Other Receipts

Registrar General of Marriages, Judicial Department

Receipt Head of AccountDescription
0070-60-108-001-12Collection under marriage Act-Registration Fees

Power Department

Receipt Head of AccountDescription
0043-00-101-001-01Receipts by way of adjustment against energy bills of CMC/HMC/HIT/ CTC to C.E.S.C- Share of Central Taxes/Duties
0043-00-101-001-02Receipts by way of adjustment against energy bills of CMC/HMC/HIT/ CTC to C.E.S.C.- Duty
0043-00-101-003-07Receipts by way of adjustment against Rural Electrification Subsidy- Electricity Duty Payable by WBSEB- interest
0043-00-101-004-02Waiving of State Government Electricity duty under West Bengal Incentive Scheme 1993-Duty
0043-00-101-005-02Receipts in Cash payable by WBSEB, C.E.S.C., DPL etc. against Electricity Duty under Rural Electrification- Duty
0043-00-101-006-02Receipts of Electricity duty payable by WESEDCL-Duty
0043-00-102-001-16Collection under the Indian Electricity Rules-Other Fees
0043-00-103-001-16Collection for the electrical Inspection of cinemas-Other Fees

No. 5074-F dated 30.06.2015, Source

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