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Allotment of Plan and Non-Plan Fund upto December, 2014

Finance, , 👁️ 180

West Bengal Appropriation Bill, 2014 has been passed by West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments under Finance (Budget) Department Memo. No. 499-F.B. dated 30th July, 2014.

Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 500-F.B. Howrah, the 30th July, 2014


The undersigned is directed to say that the West Bengal Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2014 has been passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments under Finance (Budget) Department Memo. No. 499-F.B. dated 30th July, 2014.

The Governor has now been pleased to decide as follows:-

2. The Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may now make allotment of fund relating to Non-Plan expenditure for Salary Items (including Salary grants & Wages) Pension, Diet (21-01), Drug (21-02), other Hospital Consumables (21-03), Medical Gases including Oxygen (21-05) and also for Electricity Charges (13-01) and Telephone Charges (13-02) up to Budget provision of the Financial year 2014-15. For other Non-Plan expenditure the Administrative Departments/Controlling Authorities may make further allotment of fund up to December, 2014, so that the total allotment from April, 2014 to December, 2014 does not exceed 75% of the whole year’s budget provision.

3. i) Within the powers delegated under Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1977 as amended from time to time or by virtue of the powers delegated in specific cases, the Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may sanction expenditure out of the Non-Plan allotment of fund except in the following cases: i) 33-Subsidies ii) Finance Commission’s Grants iii) 55-Loans & Advances and iv) Schemes for which Central assistance is available.

ii) In terms of Finance (Budget) Department’s Memo No. 472-FB dated 24.07.2014, Transport Secretary to the Government of West Bengal may release fund against “33-Subsidies” upto the limit as indicated in the said Memo out of Non-Plan allotment of fund.

4. i) The Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may make further allotment of fund and sanction expenditure on administratively approved schemes relating to State Plan expenditure for the months up to December, 2014, so that total allotment from April, 2014 to December, 2014 does not exceed 75% under each head of account of the whole year’s budget provision except in the following cases for which concurrence from the Finance Department, Budget Branch will have to be obtained:

a) Schemes relating to EAP, NCDC, REC, CRF, APDRP, AIBP, BADP, ACA under Article 275(1), TSP (relating to BCW Deptt.), BRGF, NPAG, NeGAP, HADP, RKVY, GLB, (State Finance Commission), JNNURM, One-time ACA, WBCETF.
b) Central share and State share for all schemes including Other Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes (OCASPS) for which central assistance is available.
c) Release of fund under 33- Subsidies, 55-Loans and Advances, 54-Investment.

ii) In terms of Finance (Budget) Department’s Memo No. 472-FB dated 24.07.2014, Transport Secretary to the Government of West Bengal may release fund against “55-Loans and Advances” upto the limit as indicated in the said Memo out of Plan allotment of fund.

iii) In case of 13th FC grant, the release of fund will be subject to the Memo No. 784-FB dated 30.08.2013.

iv) Regarding RIDF release the administrative Department shall send a copy of each release Order to Finance (Budget) Department.

v) The concerned Departments will be required to upload necessary information in the prescribed proforma regarding release of Plan Fund in the website of the Finance Department (www.wbfin.nic.in).

5. All allotments of fund including the fund allotted to Works Executing Departments/ Forests Department for payment through LOC system should be made through the software application ‘e-bantan’ under IFMS.

6. It may be noted that subject to the provision contained in Finance Department Memo No. 1746-F(Y) dated 26.03.2014 no bill will be passed by the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office without an allotment. The Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices have been advised accordingly.

7. While issuing orders for sanctioning expenditure in exercise of the powers delegated under this Memorandum, the following sentence should be inserted in such orders “This order issues in exercise of the powers delegated under Finance Department Memo No. 500-F.B. dated 30th July, 2014.

8. The powers delegated to the Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities to release fund are subject to the following conditions:-

a) The project/ scheme for which fund is to be released has been administratively approved following the existing procedure after obtaining concurrence of the Finance Department/ Financial Advisor/ Departmental Secretary within the limit of Rs. 10.00 lakh as per Memo No. 95-F.B. dated 18.04.2012;
b) The amount to be released can be accommodated within the budget provision under the project/ scheme;
c) There are no deviations – technical or otherwise – from the approved norms;
d) Restrictions on creation of posts, purchase/ hiring of cars and other restrictions imposed by the Finance Department are to be observed.

Sd/- S. Datta
OSD & EO Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 500-FB dated 30.07.2014, Source