West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2019.
Notification | Subject |
7059-F dt. 30.12.2019 | Introduction of IFMS Module for GPF Account Statement |
690-F dt. 30.12.2019 | Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity and Commutation |
681-F dt. 23.12.2019 | Pension/ Family Pension (Pre-2016) – 6th Pay Commission |
680-F dt. 23.12.2019 | Commutation of Pension due to ROPA, 2019 – Clarification |
6897-F dt. 19.12.2019 | HoA of Power and Non-Conventional Energy Resources and Cooperation |
6792-F dt. 16.12.2019 | Last Date of Online Option Submission for ROPA, 2019 |
660-F dt. 16.12.2019 | Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – Revised Format |
6715-F dt. 10.12.2019 | Online Submission of Option Form due to ROPA, 2019 |
6472-F dt. 02.12.2019 | Remuneration of Re-Employed Pensioner as per ROPA, 2019 |
6471-F dt. 02.12.2019 | Clarifications of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019 |
6365-F dt. 26.11.2019 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of Cooperation Department |
6343-F dt. 25.11.2019 | HoA for e-Receipts of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs Dte |
6431-F dt. 19.11.2019 | Inclusion of HoA for e-Receipts of Health & Family Welfare Department |
4114-F dt. 19.11.2019 | GISS, 1987 – Table of Benefits upto April, 2020 |
6042-F dt. 07.11.2019 | Career Advancement Scheme as per WBS (ROPA), 2019 |
6000-F dt. 05.11.2019 | Service Book Management of State Government Employees |
5962-F dt. 01.11.2019 | Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2020 |
3879-F dt. 31.10.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2019 to 31.12.2019) |
5909-F dt. 25.10.2019 | Submission of Life Certificate through Digital Mode |
5891-F dt. 25.10.2019 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of I&CA Department |
5766-F dt. 17.10.2019 | General Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2019 |
536-F dt. 01.10.2019 535-F dt. 01.10.2019 | Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – 6th Pay Commission |
5696-F dt. 01.10.2019 | West Bengal Form No. 2911 (Standard Bid Document) |
5687-F dt. 01.10.2019 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of Law Department |
5564-F dt. 25.09.2019 5563-F dt. 25.09.2019 5562-F dt. 25.09.2019 2993-PL dt. 25.09.2019 2992-PL dt. 25.09.2019 2991-PL dt. 25.09.2019 1389-CD dt. 25.09.2019 | West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019 |
5561-F dt. 25.09.2019 | Submission of Declaration for Leave Travel Concession |
5266-F dt. 12.09.2019 | Half Holiday on account of Viswakarma Puja, 2019 |
5152-F dt. 06.09.2019 | Additional Instructions regarding Leave Travel Concession |
07-O&M dt. 02.09.2019 | Supply of Daily Newspaper at Government Cost |
4915-F dt. 30.08.2019 | Guidelines regarding Sanction of Grant-in-Aid |
4876-F dt. 29.08.2019 | Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2019 |
4657-F dt. 20.08.2019 | Additional Honorarium for Anganwadi Workers/ Helpers |
416-F dt. 09.08.2019 | Modified Single Comprehensive Form for Pension |
2803-F dt. 18.07.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2019 to 30.09.2019) |
3998-F dt. 15.07.2019 | Service Conditions of Contractual/ Casual/ Daily-rated Workers |
3641-F dt. 28.06.2019 | Clarification regarding Payment of Wages to Workers |
3552-F dt. 25.06.2019 | Holiday on Birth Day of Late Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy |
323-FB dt. 14.06.2019 | 12 Days-Off for Interns engaged in Finance Department |
3199-FB dt. 07.06.2019 | Creation of “Special HRMS ID” for Users in HRMS Module |
256-F dt. 29.05.2019 | Ex-gratia Payment to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners, 2019 |
3001-F dt. 28.05.2019 | Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2018-19 |
3000-F dt. 28.05.2019 | Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2019 |
2999-F dt. 28.05.2019 | Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2018-19 |
249-F dt. 27.05.2019 | Introduction of New Format for Counting of Past Services |
2932-F dt. 23.05.2019 | Inclusion of HoA for e-Receipts of Home and Hill Affairs Department |
1873-F dt. 21.05.2019 | Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2019 |
2699-F dt. 10.05.2019 | Discontinuation of Issuance of Cheque by Treasuries/ PAOs |
2646-F dt. 03.05.2019 | New TR Form No. 73 for Drawal of various Allowances |
2603-F dt. 30.04.2019 | Schematic Bank Account Management System in IFMS |
2568-F dt. 29.04.2019 | Last Date for Filling/ Recording Comments in SAR, 2018-19 |
2480-F dt. 24.04.2019 | DPPG,WB will Credit Interest into GPF of Gr. D Employees |
2522-F dt. 26.04.2019 | Change in Monthly Contribution towards New Pension Scheme |
2504-F dt. 25.04.2019 | Pending Works of Gr. D GPF before Pay Bill of May, 2019 |
2494-F dt. 25.04.2019 | Station Leave Permission before Commencement of Journey |
2479-F dt. 24.04.2019 | Implementation of Cheque Truncation System (CTS) |
1563-F dt. 24.04.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2019 to 30.06.2019) |
2373-F dt. 17.04.2019 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of PHE Department |
1340-F dt. 08.04.2019 | Final Payment of GPF to Employees promoted from Group D to C |
2131-F dt. 05.04.2019 | Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction Module in IFMS |
2131-F dt. 28.03.2019 | Guidelines for Payment of Bills of Works/ Forest Departments |
1880-F dt. 25.03.2019 | Implementation of “Online e-Service Book” in HRMS |
1787-F dt. 19.03.2019 | Public holiday on Poll Days of Parliamentary Election, 2019 |
1734-F dt. 15.03.2019 | Issuance of A/c Payee Cheque for Krishak Bandhu |
1025-F dt. 15.03.2019 | Group Insurance Scheme 1983 – Table of Benefits, (493-516th) |
1533-F dt. 07.03.2019 | WBIFMS Mobile App for Employees, Pensioners and Public Users |
1452-F dt. 05.03.2019 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of PHE Department |
9-F dt. 25.02.2019 | Cashless Admissibility Reimbursement Certificate |
1214-F dt. 20.02.2019 | Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2018-2019 |
231-F dt. 12.02.2019 | Creation of Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Enforcement |
1033-F dt. 08.02.2019 | Revised Remuneration for Casual/ Daily Rated/ Contractual Workers |
1032-F dt. 08.02.2019 | Revised Remuneration of IT/ Software Personnel |
774-F dt. 28.01.2019 | Provident Fund Maintenance in Non-Government Institutions |
672-F dt. 24.01.2019 | Retirement Age of College Teachers in West Bengal is now 65 |
560-F dt. 18.01.2019 | Steps for Issuance of DDO Code and Drawal Authority |
279-F dt. 17.01.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2019 to 31.03.2019) |
1480-FB dt. 16.01.2019 | Surrender of Unutilized Funds during F.Y. 2018-19 |
120-F dt. 04.01.2019 | Treatment of Absence on 8th & 9th January, 2019 for Bandh |