
West Bengal Service Matters – Financial Benefits

Financial benefits e.g. Dearness Allowances, Conveyance Allowance, Tiffin Allowance, Winter Allowances, Sundarban /Risk Allowances, Festival advances, Bonus etc.

3143-F dt. 13.06.2016Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2015-16
3142-F dt. 13.06.2016Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2016
3141-F dt. 13.06.2016Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2015-16
3059-F dt. 08.06.2016Interim Relief to Re-Employed/ Contractual Pensioner
2926-F dt. 02.06.2016Grant of Interim Relief @10% of Band Pay
2762-F dt. 25.05.2016Extension of Sixth Pay Commission, West Bengal
2672-F dt. 20.05.2016Submission of Memorandum to 6th Pay Commission
925-F dt. 18.02.2016Inviting Memorandum from different Unions, Associations
427-F dt. 25.01.2016Definition of Nearest International Airport in LTC Rules
8432-F dt. 14.12.2015Grant of DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2016
8431-F dt. 14.12.2015Grant of DA to Other than Govt. Employees wef January, 2016
8430-F dt. 14.12.2015Grant of Dearness Allowance @ 75% w.e.f. January, 2016
8071-F dt. 27.11.2015Terms of Reference of 6th Pay Commission, W.B.
8070-F dt. 27.11.2015Appointment of Members for 6th Pay Commission, West Bengal
7370-F dt. 09.10.2015Leave Travel Concession Rule for West Bengal Govt. Employees
5335-F dt. 09.07.2015Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2014-15
5334-F dt. 09.07.2015Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2015
5333-F dt. 09.07.2015Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2014-15
145-F dt. 09.01.2015Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees wef 01.01.2015
144-F dt. 09.01.2015Grant of DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2015
143-F dt. 09.01.2015Grant of Dearness Allowance @ 65% and Wages w.e.f. January 2015
6191-F dt. 08.12.2014Grant of Honorarium and Conveyance Charge to Inquiring Authority
6115-F dt. 03.12.2014Expenditure incurred by officers on account of official travel outside State
3714-F dt. 16.07.2014Bonus/ Ex-gratia grant to Employees of Public Undertakings, 2013-14
3713-F dt. 16.07.2014Interest Free Festival Advance to State Government Employees, 2014
3712-F dt. 16.07.2014Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the State Government Employees, 2013-2014
552-F dt. 24.12.2013Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2014
8842-F dt. 16.12.2013Grant of Dearness Allowances to Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees
8841-F dt. 16.12.2013Grant of Dearness Allowances to Other than State Govt. Employees
8840-F dt. 16.12.2013Grant of Dearness Allowances to the State Government Employees
380-F dt. 31.07.2013Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Government Pensioners
6068-F dt. 30.07.2013Bonus/ Ex-gratia grant to Employees of Public Undertakings, 2012-13
6067-F dt. 30.07.2013Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance for the year 2013
6066-F dt. 30.07.2013Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the State Government Employees, 2012-2013
4011-F dt. 20.05.2013Remuneration of Casual/ Daily Rated/ Contractual Workers
957-F dt. 07.02.2013Additional Remuneration for Gr. D Employees Operating Xerox Machine
04 A.P.S. dt. 15.01.2013Allowance to Freedom fighters and their dependent family members
03 A.P.S. dt. 15.01.2013Discontinuation of Assistance to Political Sufferers Scheme
32/Stat dt. 09.01.2013Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers
08-F dt. 02.01.2013Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2013
10617-F dt. 31.12.2012Grant of DA to Employees who are drawing prerevised Pay Scale
10616-F dt. 31.12.2012Grant of Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees
10615-F dt. 31.12.2012Grant of Dearness Allowance to West Bengal Govt. Employees
9092-F dt. 07.11.2012Monthly rate of Cleaning and Servicing of Telephone
7045-F dt. 16.08.2012Final 50% Arrear Payment to Other than State Govt. Employees
7044-F dt. 16.08.2012Final 50% Arrear Payment to State Govt. Employees
351-F dt. 07.08.2012Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Government Pensioners
6734-F dt. 03.08.2012Bonus/ Ex-gratia grant to Employees of Public Undertakings, 2011-12
6733-F dt. 03.08.2012Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance for the year 2012
6732-F dt. 03.08.2012Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the State Government Employees, 2011-2012
885-F dt. 02.03.2012Matters under Administrative Departments Disposal
1662-F dt. 24.02.2012Head of Account for consolidated pay/ remuneration of contractual staff
1242-F dt. 10.02.2012Sanction of Telephone/ Internet Facility
11080-F dt. 12.12.2011Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees w.e.f. 01.01.2012
8273-F dt. 23.08.2011Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance to State Govt. Employees, 2011
8272-F dt. 23.08.2011Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the State Government Employees, 2010-2011
535-F dt. 19.08.2011Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Government Pensioners
1145-F dt. 14.02.2011Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedicaily Handicapped
1-F.B. dt. 03.01.2011Detailed Head for Consolidated pay/ remuneration
10850-F dt. 23.11.2010Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Govt. Employees w.e.f 01.12.2010
2580-F dt. 06.04.2010DA to State Govt. Employees and increase in wages of Daily Rated workers
11143-F dt. 18.12.2009Grant of Cash Allowance for handling cash
11142-F dt. 18.12.2009Special Allowance to Automobile Driver/ Cleaners/ Helpers/ Khalasis
11141-F dt. 18.12.2009Grant of Tiffin Allowance to the Mechanical Staff
11140-F dt. 18.12.2009Modification of the rate of deputation allowance
11139-F dt. 18.12.2009Extra Duty Allowance for Darwans /Night Guards etc.
11138-F dt. 18.12.2009Grant of Tiffin Allowance to the Orderlies and office Peons
11137-F dt. 18.12.2009Washing /Kit maintenance Allowance
11136-F dt. 18.12.2009Sundarban Allowance and Risk/ Hazard Allowance
11135-F dt. 18.12.2009Sundarban Allowance in lieu of Special Pay for Protocol Duties
10902-F dt. 09.12.2009Dearness Allowance to the State Govt. employees, Teachers & non-teachers
10900-F dt. 09.12.2009D.A. To the State Govt. Employees and Daily Rated workers
9099-F dt. 23.09.2009Revision of Date of effect of benefit of merger to the officers of WBJA&S
8662-F dt. 07.09.2009Revised Rate of Remuneration to the Part-time Contingent Staff
8605-F dt. 03.09.2009Grant of Ad-hoc bonus to State Govt. employees
8482-F dt. 01.09.2009Facility of telephone at residence of entitled categories of Govt Employees
1126-F.B. dt. 25.08.2009Enquiry regarding availability of discounted Air-fare tickets
3300-F dt. 04.05.2009Enhancement of rate of daily wages for Casual Workers
3299-F dt. 04.05.2009D.A. to State Govt. Employees who are not under ROPA, 09 w.e.f. 01.04.09
3080-F dt. 22.04.2009D.A. to Employees of PSU, Panchayat Bodies w.e.f. 01.04.09
1370-F dt. 12.02.2009D.A. to State Govt. Employees w.e.f. 01.03.09
8197-F dt. 04.11.2008Dearness relief to @ 41 % w.e.f. 1.11.08 for Seasonal Worker
8196-F dt. 04.11.2008Dearness relief to @ 41 % w.e.f. 1.11.08 Employees of Non-Govt. Employees
8195-F dt. 04.11.2008Dearness relief to @ 41 % w.e.f. 1.11.08 to State Govt. Employees
4236-F dt. 12.06.2008DA @35% w.e.f. 01.06.2008
30-EMP dt. 02.04.2008Benefit to employees on compassionate ground
2416-F dt. 27.03.2007DA @24% admissible upto Pay Rs. 26,000/-
2415-F dt. 27.03.2007Merger of DA of State Govt. employees/ Relief to Pensioners
12-FPS dt 15.01.2007Enhancement of monthly allowance to Political Sufferers/ Freedom Fighters
1301-F.B. dt. 13.10.2006Availability of discounted Air-fare tickets while undertaking official tours
4367-F dt. 13.06.2006Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F, dt. 02.05.1981
1680-F dt. 24.02.2006Additional Remuneration of Rs. 120/- p.m. for Head Estimator
607-F dt. 20.01.2006Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F, dt. 02.05.1981
9924-F dt. 07.12.2005Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F, dt. 02.05.1981
DT/1421 dt. 30.06.2004Clarification on T. A. (Countersigning of TA Bill & Approval of Tour Diary)
6784-F dt. 18.07.2001Travel by A/c 1st class admissible to the officer posted in North Bengal
10029-F dt. 11.11.1999Special Allowance to Automobile Drivers/ Cleaners/ Helpers/ Khalasis
4731-F dt. 25.05.1999T.A., D.A. of Minister
4730-F dt. 25.05.1999Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of Fourth Pay Commission
4730-F dt. 25.05.1999Revised T.A. Rules
2063-F dt 03.03.1999Medical Allowance, Winter Allowance and Hill Compensatory Allowance
485-F dt 15.01.1999Enhancement of rate of daily wages for casual workers
4514-F dt. 16.06.1998Rates of D.A. outside West Bengal and a list of Cities/Areas for D.A.
5703-F dt. 17.06.1996Journey at Silverjet
6122-F dt. 01.07.1991Funeral Expenses to the Family Member of Deceased Employee
5292-F dt 15.10.1971West Bengal Service Rules – II

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